
I think you have to be careful condemning all breeders though- let me stress that certainly there are awful breeders who are in it for profit and buying a dog from a pet shop is an awful idea for this reason- but there are also people who deeply love dogs and and are committed to raising the healthiest animals in both

I think you have to remember that their are alot of different cultures relating to dogs- I don't know the specific history of Western dog-breeding, but I'd be very surprised if the idea of a house-dog was that popular more than 100 years ago?

Coming from a semi-rural area in Canada, I knew a bunch of outdoor dogs that

Its like the strange store for insecure rich people who think they want to look surfer-casual, but end up dressing like an Old Navy mannequin.

Question from a guy: is it a demographic thing? Like I'm a recent college graduate, and I'd be totally mortified if I heard a friend say that... but I could totally imagine my grandpa doing something like that. Is it like people over 30ish, or more pervasive? It's really gross... I can understand it academically but

Ich auch.... challenge accepted!


I've been told China has an obscene number of traffic deaths per year too... be careful out there Tricksy.

Swift whatever, but I love this show.

Money is a terrible reason for relationships to be troubled, so yeah, I just never do it unless its a gift. I think our parents probably read from the same guide-book on those rules.

Scholarships: both of the universities I've attended bumped up their entrance scholarship offers to me after I just asked for it via email. They know they're competing for you, and I'm not a superstar student by any means, but I told them straight up I was looking at a variety of options and to them an extra few

He should use some more bloom to cover that up.

But $30 in the douchebag jar.

I also have a penis- and its categorically untrue that you/we are the victims here and it’s always objectification of women. No. I don’t demand asexual art or conservative art: what I want is something more complex than a half-naked amazon chick groveling beside some muscled up Conan in every last effing fantasy work.

What actually makes me angry is that they're sub-par illustrations by an artist who makes male-power fantasy art. It's not about the nudity- it's about the manchild approach to character design where both the male and female characters are designed to sexually cater to men. The women are objects, and then men are

I dunno man, I think he's already full of hot air.

Waaaah waaaaaaaaaah.

Yeah, I can totally get behind that: casual racism is still racism because though it may be small (in action, not in its ability to hurt) it re-enforces systematic discrimination and power structures, and so it should be called out always.

Also "Sheboon?" Like WTF is wrong with people!?

Wait, we actually need to do this... like "White Knighting" from now on refers to helping or excusing racist people. Lets please do this.

That said, I do disagree with you to some extent. I don't think kids or even teens are fully culpable for the their actions and capable of really forming convictions (I think they

Late 90s, early 2000s were my school times; Canadian history is probably similar to yours, general stuff about colonial times but Canada-centric from 1812 onwards. I don't know much about the American Civil War, and before I lived in the States I knew literally only the name if it. Same for any knowledge I have your