
Ditto, my response "...because it costs 1200 fix and the insurance stops paying after 350." Awful, fucking awful.

I think the CBC did a story around the holidays about dentists gaming insurance companies... and I've firsthand seen some pretty obscene offices with crazy luxurious interiors and rows of big screen tvs

Somalia isn't a country- it's literally just a piece of land divided up by local strongmen without even the vague or symbolic hint of a national authority.

Last year Doctors without Borders lost a doctor and its Somalia mission head in a shooting and closed down its largest medical center in Mogadishu. It's just an

Best passport "Place of Birth" ever.

What's the dental and eye-care like in other provinces? I'm from Ontario where that's not covered and you have to have private health insurance, and quite honestly it can go fuck itself.

Like seriously... dental care can go from hundreds to thousands of dollars. No money, then you're just gonna get sick.

Canadian tax law also really doesn't favour stay-at-home parents. :(

*is Canadian*

Yeah, in Europe people have wildly differing levels of knowledge about the United States... but it's totally true the other way around too. People who travel more realize that the US and Canada are massive places and thus understandably have diverse cultures, and then other people only know things from


Ditto- did double take, then opened photo large size. Huh.

Her eye make-up is just scary looking... pretty but constantly terrifying.

like totally

Kinda hoping that it rolls into some more retribution against Don from Joan. I'd like to see some clash from her because of the strength of their personalities.

I'm not anywhere close to 6'7, but yeah finding clothes that are long enough for tall guy length but yet made for someone built like a stick is difficult. As much as this is like #whitepersonproblem the only store I ever had consistant size luck with was Uniqlo, since H&M is skinny but always too short, and



That guy sounds like an immature and obnoxious person. Still- I think as other posters have warned, you have to be careful not to make this about yourself. You can love your family without supporting their choices, but if every meeting is a conflict then you're not even "defending your politics" anymore, you're just

Saw the film in Germany (accidentally the German dubbed version), and yeah- after watching the credits saw "Fan Bingbing" and wondered where the heck they hid her in the movie. She wasn't in any of the operation scenes (in the non-Chinese version)?

Is cutting your own short(ish) hair out of the question or still doable? Mirror skills?

As a dude, watching this and awful second hand embarrassment.

Man... causalities of ideology. Of course the demands of the air traffic controllers were unreasonable, but given that they were basically replaced by functional skeleton crews within a week of the strike, their position would have had to compromise.

Instead Reagan went nuclear on day two just to make a point to the

That was something that I always kinda of wanted to know when reading the history... like how did these thousands of average people manage after they were literally banned from their jobs?