
The only cancel culture I experience is from people with big platforms complaining about cancel culture.

“Perhaps it slipped his mind that the Catholic Church is arguably history’s foremost, greatest, and most ruthless colonizer.”

All of this sounds SUPER healthy, and yeah, I’m sure the entire restaurant was “cheering”. That’s certainly what I would if that took place where I was dining. In no way is any this controlling, or an exchange of uh, goods for services, and I’m sure the media attention for an actress that has one movie to her credit

Mr. “Slavery was a choice” does like him some white girls. Not surprising.

This is my take on tha sitch.  Pompeo sounds thirsty as fuck here.

She tried to use his fame for clout and he wasn’t having it. Denzel is a prickly interview so I’m surprised they even asked about it and got any semblance of an answer.

Anything is possible, but the whole thing still sounds like Pompeo talking a whole lotta shit.

I would be so pissed if I went on a date with a guy who had clothes lined up for me to put on. That is not sexy. It is controlling. All of this is just a fucking ruse anyway.

There’s probably a perfectly reasonable reason for the four hour delay. Maybe it took the police so long to respond because they had to go home and change out of their robes?

At no point did she question herself, how her own complicity in white patriarchal structures (like her choice to marry a presumably white cis hetero dude, which comes with a lot of social currency) may have contributed to her unhappiness.

Britni uses they, not she, it’s in their bio under the piece. For future reference.

Growing upa hardcore punk rock/skater/ black dude in Atl watching Tyler grow into himself is beyond great. I am more of a Earl Sweatshirt fan both music and just personally down to earth, and in my opinion I think he was the better out of the whole odd future, anyway I just related too these guys so much. Glad for bro

Okonma is an Igbo word meaning "beautiful man", fwiw

Proper name worth embracing.  Good on him.

but but but ... did somebody/bodies physically force you to navigate to this site and threaten your life if you did not read this article; or, did they bribe you with double stuff oreos - and - literally forced you to leave a comment ... what what what ...

It’s almost as if cops shouldn’t regularly carry guns because they’re very dangerous and not at all useful in the vast majority of situations or something...

Adorable card, even though I’m sure it will be picked apart for something. “Harry never had holes in his clothes before Meghan, now he’s walking around shoeless and in rags!” - The Daily Mail (probably)

I hear a lot of people asking “what if she really didn’t mean to do it and goes to jail?” as if she didn’t straight up kill an unarmed kid over a ticket, I’d even argue that shooting someone operating a vehicle likely only served to make the situation even worse. Also, why was there a cop leaning into the car at all?

Testament to the power of white tears. Ugh.

Make the decision you are obviously going to make, numbskulls.