
Can't be your own fan, I guess. Hi, Jay-Jay!

When a media outlet gets into a(n often negative) way of talking about (often) a woman, they seem to find it very hard to correct themselves, even after acknowledging that narrative is wrong or unfair. The best thing I can say is that they usually reserve this treatment for women of color, so...yay, equality?

No, she has a point that your disdain for youth culture is blinding you to.

Give it a rest Steve. Nobody likes your "comedy". Stop begging. You look stupid enough already with that walrus nonsense on your lip

Exactly. It's transparent. We're honestly supposed to have good faith dialogue about how bullying qnd insulting others may not be a bad thing? The troll is either stupid, or thinks we are. Meaning the troll is stupid.

I’m just surprised that you’re surprised. I mean, yeah, leftists are American too, down to the jingoism and exceptionalism. Down to the selfishness, too.

Again with the narrow focus. I’ve just told you: EVERYONE is doing it. Right, left center, top, bottom. America has a unique relationship with fascist ideology, it seems to thrive there even as Americans respond negatively to fascism elsewhere. This isn’t something you can so easily pin on extreme individualism or “ide

Partly. No less so than governments, entertainment/hospitality industries, the media, other large religions, pharmaceutical/medical industries, individuals etc. What I’m saying is HIV is imo a complex and delicate topic that shouldn’t be used as a political weapon by anyone, no matter how well-meaning. 

Yes, because moderates NEVER bully others into seeing or doing things their way by appealing to bunk notions of morality. What was all that nattering about “bipartisanship”, as well as the scuttling of the BBB in favor of BIF, last year?

Please don’t use HIV as a political football. There’s no need for that.

He really just turned into an idiot in 2022. Insane stuff.

Do your community a favor, and slaughter a feral hog today.

That response was a message. They know exactly what happened.

Just noticed now, and it’s too late to change it now. Apologies to them for that!!

Let me just clarify what we all know has happened. This liberal white woman in a hetero relationship, while immersing herself in the lives of these mostly queer, mostly BIPOC former athletes...completely lost her sense of identity within them. She started referring to them as “elders” and modeling her life in ways she

Okonma is an Igbo word meaning "beautiful man", fwiw

“people with reproductive potential"?

This x 100. I’m not saying she should go through the entire year in a black veil, but less than two months is too short. Everyone is acting like her late husband met the man and approved, but that’s not actually what she said. She said he gave her permission to eventually find someone else, and she only met this dude

Her poor husband. That shit isn't something you just "grow out of". Her husband deserves to know, they need to get into therapy, and she needs to try to make amends to people she hurt. This isn't the same as shoplifting from Walmart in high school. Am I crazy here?

Her husband isn't even cold yet. Blessing or no, people that can't spend 2 months alone are depressing to be around.