
I mean, I care about folks dehumanizing women by intentionally making them look a way society places inherent lesser value on. It’s playing into sexist bullshit tropes that a woman is less worth of care, compassion, and human dignity if she’s less attractive.

i’ve never read about this or i did and forgot about it. it was 7 years ago.

Why do y’all keep using intentionally unflattering photos of Britney? I know she often posts “regular” photos at home with messy hair and such on her social media, but you’re using photos from events that are less than flattering. There are plenty of photos from often the same events you’re using that are better

I wonder if his extreme “I can sleep around but I will control my separated wife’s life” misogyny is the same as it always was or was made worse by his sudden conversion to Evangelical Christianity.

There’s nothing in there to drag Munn about, so they probably don’t care.

Several studies have found at least 40% of police officers are domestic abusers, themselves.

I don’t know. I lost my mother around the same age. I still have some trauma from it, but I would never think of it were someone to call me lucky in life. I mean, bad things happen to us all the time. It doesn’t mean your life can’t be considered fortunate after that.

Deport all of these racist assholes to Antarctica.

What am I missing about Kylie Jenner that merits her having 300 Million followers on Insta?

Agreed, it’s not possible to expose someone like him with the truth because he has no shame. So what is the benefit to anyone from this sort of interview even taking place?

Yes, you are stupid. Thanks for letting us know for sure.

Nicole Byer just got her first Netflix special. She also has multiple podcasts and TV shows. She openly talks about race, gender, class, etc. (Even on “Nailed It,” which is popular with kids!) She’s successful because she takes the time to craft the jokes. There’s a setup, a twist, a punchline, with all the right

The guy who just launched a new TV show complains about being “cancelled” in his industry’s leading publication who sought him out for an interview.

Tell me. Was “cancel culture” responsible for blacklisting “commies” and “socialists” from hollywood for decades? Was it responsible for nearly a century of outright censorship of anything mocking christianity? Was it responsible for blacklisting the lbgtq community from the media and public life? Oh I know. It was

Clearly you’re a troll but I have some time so I’ll bite.

that piece of shit commebtor mc2isbad is just a racist troll masqerading as a bad faith troll.

Let’s take a look at cancel culture...

I don’t know if “simp” is the right word, but no one should be giving Trump airtime. You can’t ask the “tough questions” when you’re dealing with someone who is incapable of telling the truth.

Whole lotta words to say “I can’t use the F and T slurs like I want to”

She can just fuck alllll the way off. “Gave her some contacts - everyone has a voice.” They may have a voice unless they are say, under a conservatorship and literally have no say about anything in their life. I hope Brittney never talks to any of them again, they’re scum.