
When someone jumps into a relationship that soon after something traumatic happens, it’s likely that they will end up hurting that other person, mostly because they haven’t healed themselves first. You can’t truly love anyone else, until you face your own traumas. It’s the classic “Rebound” situation. How many of

“And they call me slime!”

There’s grieving, and there’s “Okay, he’s dead and I’m out here ready to mingle”.  It’s her business, but there are some red flags, hopefully she has a support system in place that isn’t afraid to tell her the truth.  

The first bacteria to coalesce out of primordial ooze had some great cracks about Jeffrey Epstein.

MAGA CHUDS: Businesses should be able to fire whoever they want for any reason. If the employees don’t like it they can go work somewhere else. That's just the free market in action.

Won’t someone think of the Proud Boy?

It always amuses me when someone is let go in a situation like this and a bunch of commentators mount a righteous defence as if appearing in a piece of entertainment were an inalienable right or something.

There are cave paintings by unknown artists in ancient caves totally dunking on Louis CK.

Yeah, I was trying to figure out which non-family Bob’s Burger characters were most likely to be involved in far right politics, and once I saw “Jimmy Pesto Sr.” I was like, “Oh yeah—that tracks.”

> Someone from the production had to have had a conversation with Johnston about it before firing him

In the year of our lord, nineteen-hundred-and-nineteen, Samuel Clements made boffo cannibal cracks to the expense of Armie Hammer such as to create great drollery and concern.

Dick Cavett was making Chris Noth jokes during the great depression!



If he was fired, I assume the folks from Bob’s Burgers might have zero ‘concrete, legally admissible’ evidence, but might know from actually KNOWING the guy, that he was there. Presumably, he’s always been a right-winger, but maybe he has gotten ever more obnoxious in the last 5-6 years. Maybe they’re just sick of his

Ah yes, white female tears..One of the most effective & potent weapons in the arsenal of white supremacy/power. That shit has resulted in the legendarystrange fruit” - southern “strange fruit”.

I wrote a blog post about this very issue nearly a year ago. Tech companies are filled with Asian & White incels, for the most part. They only get along with others like themselves and machines.

I don’t think you know what mendacity means.

If anyone wants to know why this guy will spend his life behind bars, all you have to do is look at his last name. It’s not Rittenhouse. 

Ma’am, you mean Michelle who has a master’s in foreign policy Kwan right? Or Michelle state department advisor Kwan?, or how out Michelle who has served under 2 presidents Kwan? Because even one freaking click to her insta would have informed you that she's qualified. She's spent the last 15 years devoted to politics.