
Are you talking about Koonye with the YouTube nonbinary makeup person? I didn’t delve too far into that cuz 1) Amber Rose already told us he likes buttplay (still the single best simple clapback I’ve ever heard!), 2) his selection of a pornstar wife revealed he had no sexual boundaries and 3) with his money and ego

It’s the end of the year so is everyone just outraged-out?! Why aren’t we all screaming about this?!?!

I don’t know why people keep paying attention to Koonye. He’s fucking done, has been for quite some time and frankly, if none of his other fuckshit didn’t bother you, him hugging up on Agent Orange Foolius like he was some great fat orange savior should have done it. I don’t know what to say to people at this point.

Lowest disregard for other* human life. When people say selfishness is also a personality trait and not just a behavior, this is pretty much exactly what they’re talking about. These are people who derive psychological comfort from the knowledge that the world is a place of suffering, but they do not suffer.

Here’s a pretty famous quote from the philosopher Karl Popper that sums it all up:

The premise that freshly traumatized 18 year old Ms Sebold manipulated by the racist police and racist justice system is valid. But for decades, she knew she was not sure. Yet, she let that discomfort go unexamined. She ignored the disturbance in her survivor narrative through her book deal and was prepared to see

I’m sure there are a few, but I haven’t seen a cop yet who wouldn’t lie in court. Sometimes not even to get a conviction, just to cover up for their own incompetence and stupidity.

More than 80 law enforcement officers working today [Nov. 11, 2019] in California are convicted criminals, with rap sheets that include everything from animal cruelty to manslaughter. [emphasis added]

Fuck off, cop-sucking morons. The shitty cops you unquestionably worship can’t stop rising crime rates even though they get unlimited resources and immunity from prosecution no matter how many extrajudicial executions they commit.

A cop who commits crimes is the worst kind of criminal. No one is safe from a cop who gleefully breaks the law.

It's absolutely normal, and they are absolutely making it a bigger thing. US media just can't resist that urge to talk down to or belittle a Black woman, no matter how close she is to power. In fact, the closeness just makes it more irresistible. I swear to you, all of the pale media bro horsemen sport serious wood

Come on, don’t you think Britney has suffered enough without wishing the British Royal Family on her?

That was quick. Mr. Freedom showed his ass before the ink on his Passport was dry.  Then again, we all knew what was up when he went after Lebron, forgetting that he himself wears Nikes. He himself is part of the same machine.

I was just about to say that . He has the anti-blackness down and everything. Non-blacks really see us as mules only good for suffering and sacrificing when we refuse to fight for them because we have finally figured out our labor is never reciprocated and they collectively do not respect black Americans they have a

Keep in mind, the U.S. of A. is the only country on this planet that will let a light-skint Turk be whyte. So he’s perfecting his whiteness. Give him a day or two, and he’ll be having his good boy Kyle Rittenhouse over for freedom fries.

There is no POC solidarity. A lot of these non-blacks especially recent immigrants especially see Black people as mules only useful to labor for their cause and feel entitled to our support. Kanter is no different

Most developed countries have fertility rates under two, and therefore need to raise their birthrates.

But it's not that simple. Colonialism in Africa is the driving reason for the bulk of the continent's struggles today, including the environment. I don't think you can easily extract global overpopulation and call it a day without pointing the reasons for it and every other contributing factor. 

Or the wealthy Europeans, Asians and Americans who travel to Africa for trophy hunting or that buy the products of poachers

Nah it’s 100% straight-up racist; how much of that pressure on Africa’s wildlife and wild spaces is the result not of modern “overpopulation” but the cumulative effect of Europeans ravaging the continent’s mineral wealth, game, and natural resources for centuries?