
So back in the 80's there was this band, you might have heard of them, called Van Halen.

Yeah, I’m not about to listen to people talked about “the orange one” and “tiny hands” for 6 years turn around and be like “Someone who’s budget for tacky statement accessories could feed a family of four just voted against raising the minimum wage, but you can’t comment on appearances!”

Sinema actually documents her outfits on Instagram, which is using them as self promotion.

I think there’s a pretty clear difference between “AOC spends too much money on clothes, typical broad.” and “Why did Sinema show up for this vote dressed as Flavor Flav?”

Special Note: The Republican Women could care less about Sinema’s clothing, and the commentary about it. They’ve likely privately said a few things about it themselves.

No. This take is right in line with the notion that all women have to support each other. If any male congressman was wearing novelty ties or bizarrely casual, loud outfits to vote bills into law we would be making fun of them. We made fun of Tucker Carlson’s bowties and trump’s suits. Sinema is here for all of the

At this point JLo is pretty much playing herself, that’s why she doesn’t even need to learn how to act.

They need 3 years before?

He died in 2020. Why the fuck do they need records from 2017?

Maybe if these fucking pigs had a goddamn sense of decency instead of releasing pictures of a helicopter accident there wouldn’t be a fucking lawsuit.

I just hope when these records are inevitably leaked that she sues the LACPD out of existence. Why this deserves something so invasive beyond her testifying about her distress and being cross-examined about it is beyond me.

Corrupt judge covering for corrupt cops. Did not see that coming. 

Best comparison, as Dave was one of the first to take a private jet to Kanyes megamansion and agree that Kanye didn’t need bipolar meds.

My guess is he learned a few years ago from his marketing and advertising team, that he just isn’t that well known among the youths.

At what point has Dave acted like he even cares to have an open dialogue with anyone?
He’s now at the Kanye level where only allowing himself to talk is what he calls “having an open mind”. 

Not really next in line as it is a revolving door.
I will however put bets on Asian/Trans community when it swings back around. 

Moving goal posts when personally convenient. Classic white feminists. 

Yep. If it weren't for KHive on Twitter, there would have been pretty much zero info stateside.

I’m not surprised. Jezebel and the rest of the media don’t give a shit about anything positive this administration does. All they want is to tear them down and ignore the right wing being full on fascist nazis.

Kamala Harris holds the highest office a woman has ever held in the history of this country. She has been in France (a major ally) all week engaging with Macron, one of the most powerful persons in the world. She addressed climate change, economic inequality, violence against women, election security and smoothed over