
They clearly got the memo that it was a very White show that didn’t age well.  (I'd also argue it was pretty close-minded and shitty at the time.)

No, he is not a good person. He’s racist trash who is always making excuses for oppressive systems and racism.

This POS judge is doing everything he can to get the fucker off.

To be fair, the judge is definitely in Kyle’s KKKorner.

“...I don’t need Jada or anyone else to validate me.”

I’ve known she was a kook long before I knew Rogers was (around the time of The Descendants it came out that she believes in crystals and doesn’t use deodorant and all that kind of stuff). So the question is: 1) was Rogers a pre-existing kook and their anti-vax beliefs aligned or 2) is he so dumb and malleable that he

literally y’all need to calm down… and also y’all need to zoom in and do all this detective work so we can collectively understand this isn’t a Aron’s penis. Girl just get married to your dumb and rich husband and relax lol 

And what kills me is she’s also the worst goddamn actor in the world. I have never understood her situation in the slightest — why has she ever been a thing?

you sound just like my mom

No disrespect to any pseudo-Kemet mystery school society, I mean, Greek letter fraternity or sorority, but it was cleared by your organization before putting it on the show...several years ago. As a member of the Prince Hall Free Masons (another organization based upon the Kemet mystery schools), our organization was

I can see it now: A picture with the top reading “Treason featuring the too stupid to be guilty all stars.” Then a picture of each and every one of these clowns. I may even fire up the old photoshop machine and do this (assuming I have the energy to do so after work.)

What is most disturbing (and frightening) about she and others like her that spew this bullshit is that we as a society of humans never learn from history (might have something to do with what and how we learn history in this country, but I digress.) People have said these inflammatory things and there is never any

Condie’s reliance on applying her knowledge of Cold War US/USSR geopolitics to a completely different situation in the Mid East was one of the reasons we got into such a quagmire over there. I’m not gonna call her a war criminal like Cheney and W, but I’m also not gonna say she’s NOT a war criminal like Cheney and W.

Because they’re blaming them for the leak of internal metrics to the press. They better have evidence that the employee was the one responsible for the leak because firing a Black, pregnant employee is a really, really bad look.

Wasn’t derogatory in that it didn’t use slurs, but the concepts you put forward were definitely derogatory and/or intentionally harmful. But you know that, you’re just trying to pretend as though you’re not doing what you’re doing, because admitting you’re being transphobic would just be fully mask-off.

There’s also just facts and numbers showing how much violence trans women face.

I could not have said it better. Dave’s work seemed edgey to a lot of people, but he never really had anything all that unique to say. It was perhaps his delivery and style that seemed fresh at one time. I admit I did kind of enjoy Dave’s old show. He is a pretty gifted physical comedian. However, cerebral comedy….mayb

Actually I think the TERF cult that you are in has made you totally devoid of empathy for a group that is extremely marginalized (or maybe because you lack empathy you joined that cult). It isn’t about ego (that doesn’t even make sense), it is about being a decent person who cares about other people. You really

Aw who pulled your transphobic ass out of grey purgatory”? Fuck off, TERF.

When cis women are telling trans women that genitals determine gender, when cis women call trans women “infiltrators” or “rapists of the female form”, and literally telling us that we’re “not a lesbian” because we’re trans, they don’t get a free pass from me.

Also RE: the not a lesbian stuff-I can find a few bad