
“Don’t judge me for lashing out and attacking other people! I’m hurting, and my victims should be sympathetic toward my pain while I profit off of theirs!”

“I can’t speak about the content of the show but what I say is, there is a bigger conversation we need to have.”

I can’t see how your “defense” would not also be applicable for the racism of Michael Richards, as an example. Being “broken” is not carte blanche for saying hateful shit.

No, thats not how funny people are forged.

How exactly is the existence, humanity and dignity of transgender women Dave’s tragedy to laugh at? 

Van Gogh. Cut his ear off, he’s trying to tell us it’s OK

With the matter of degrading lyrics, those lyrics are a well-documented misogynistic source that many of us do, indeed, feel should be "cancelled."  Thing is, if the artists in question don't want to be "cancelled," they DO have the option to, you know, NOT USE those lyrics.  I have zero sympathy for the vast majority

Real talk.

Black Muslim Woman here who was quite a fan of Chapelle’s even though there were always bits that I disagreed with. It’s been plain as day to me that he’s being willfully obtuse because he knows that there are Muslims who are Black (given that he claims that intersection as part of his life). He wouldn’t DARE say

It’s not just Chappelle. I’ve accepted that he’s a lost cause. I’m also thinking about anti-vaxxers like Kyrie Irving and Nikki Minaj. It not like I’ve had a lot of feelings towards these celebrities but it’s just so sad to see how even with all their money and access we still get this kind of clownery.

Money and privilege has always been the single easiest way to split unity in the AA community; much, much easier than nay other American community. It’s more local form of I got mine - fuck everyone else.

At least 24 Black trans women have been murdered this year in the US.

Incredible just how many passes Brian Laundrie has had. From the police not recognizing a serious case of domestic violence; to the police throwing up their hands when he refused to cooperate (like it’s stopped them from tailing POC suspects before); to the police believing he would just sit tight until they have

Glad that there is no kiss. That would have meant more coverage in the media for these under-talented and over-hyped white men, who are also behind the curve on lots of social issues.

Ditto on “pro-immune system”—this should mean you are pro-vaccine! Your immune system is not going to feel very well supported when it gets swamped by an unknown attacker that it’s received zero training to combat. It’s going to be like, “You KNEW about this thing? And you didn’t think to WARN ME?!”

There’s a reason why she should be ignored: She’s the sister of Kirk “Left Behind” Cameron. I will always associate him with that dreck and her with “Full House” and cheesy Hallmark goop.

You don’t have a coherent argument. Either colorism is not real, or it’s real and too pervasive to do anything about it (nice defeatism there by the way). Ask yourself why you feel you can confidently dismiss any merit to the conversation. Since you are policing “real women’s issues”, please provide a list of issues

I object to your stance that lighter is more attractive and that’s the main problem right there. You’re right the Jezebel has less of a leg to stand on than they used to but beautiful women like Issa Rae, Micheala Cole, and more would have been more appropriate than Zazie Beetz.

In modern baseball there’s no financial incentive for owners to spend money on the team, which is how you get the Pirates (and so many other teams).

understand the pharmacist or county officer talking about their principles preventing them from distributing Plan B pills or not authorizing same sex marriage licenses