
If Israel granted Palestinian refugees a right of return, which is after all both (1) their primary ask and (2) something they are entitled to under international law, that would almost certainly end the violence, which in any event is almost completely one-sided in terms of who actually suffers casualties.  You

So the answer is no, you aren’t even willing to pretend that you view Palestinians as human beings. I’m not sure there is any point continuing this discussion further, because the entire premise of my argument is that Palestinian lives and Israeli lives are human lives first and foremost, and thus are entitled to

It’s sad. Your mind is so blocked by fear and hatred of Palestinians that you are unable to grant them even a shred of humanity. Is it too much to ask that you acknowledge that Palestinians are actual human beings and are entitled to basic human dignity, even if just for the sake of argument? I notice how you

Privilege eh? Who is more likely to die when conflict breaks out? A Palestinian or an Israeli? Whose freedom of movement is severely restricted, Palestinians or Israelis? Who suffers daily deprivations, Israelis or Palestinians.

You can think all of that is justified, and I find it eminently understandable why any Israeli of Jewish descent would find that justified,

I’m not sure what to tell you. Refugees have a right of return under international law. Israel refuses to allow Palestinians to return to the country they fled as a result of war, in violation of international law, for the express purpose of maintaining Jewish primacy because Israel is explicitly intended to be a

Who cares?  They were fleeing a war!  They are refugees.  Refugees have a right of return under international law.

The fact of the Holocaust (not to mention the rise of anti-Semitism across Europe after the first World War, especially in Germany) certainly explains why Jewish emigration, including those who didn’t consider themselves Zionist, to Mandatory Palestine increased in the lead up to the World War II, and during it and in

1) UN violates Palestinians right to self-determination by seeking to impose an unfair partition of land on which they still make up the majority of the population. (The plight of Jewish people in Arab lands prior to this is unjust, but also a red herring. That does not justify any of what happens here or even have

Are you seriously claiming to be the purveyor of meaning for the Jewish people? Isn’t that some colonial shit, habibi? Are you not aware that a central tenet of Judaism, a nearly 4,000 year old religion, is the land of Israel? My ancestors, in diaspora for generations, slept with soil from the land of Israel under

Shalom, asshole. Keep calling the person you’re responding to habibi. It makes your point very compelling.

Are there going to be consequences for them wrecking Gaza if there was no Iron Dome? I’m not convinced of that at all.

There’s one, *maybe* two comments like that here, the rest are basically shoulder shrugs. You came loaded for bear, and ended up missing the bird.

Without their charities, they’re a bunch of spoiled, lazy, entitled white people.

Professional help? she was a victim of emotional abuse. she was crying because he was fucking smacking her. The d-bag jokes with the pigs about their crazy exes, having a laugh and belittling her while she’s sobbing and still recovering from the assault that she got blamed for and now she’s fucking dead.

No one needed you to explain their horrific logic. We can all glean from what they said they think poor families are like feral cats or some other wild animal.  That you think that comparison is somehow favorable to them just makes you look like a clueless asshole.  

That is the single stupidest thing I’ve read on the Internet today. No, I will happy vilify people who insist on moronic reasoning to defend their morally defunct points of view.  Have stupid ideas and you get stupid prizes.

well if those people got the vaccine, we could go back to not wearing masks.

Ever notice when stuff like this happens they always have to include a happy family photo? Like what kind of dumb manipulation tactic is that?

Found the racist!