
A lot of rappers, is homeboys, hell probably his own family. I don’t think it’s support of the “masses” but his internal circle. Dude  just comes off as obnoxious and toxic as fuck even before his comments. Man I heard rappers talk about having sex with women and stuff but this dude talks about it like it’s a fucking

Remember the controversy over Beyonce performing with The Chicks at the country awards? Maybe she's doubling down. Like "Nah, I rule the country world too."

The way that some of you people in these comment threads seem to be salivating at the idea of this kid being punished physically for not having the best reasoning ability is really scary to me.

mick Jenkins, Saba, Noname, to name some more and plenty of other rappers.

Some gay people are black.  You’re about 100,000 years behind.  That makes you stupider than the people who invented the wheel.

Maybe someone can tweet a video to him about how not to be an asshole.

Speak for your damn self. Not all Black men are homophobic assholes.

Did he at least get that blowjob in the parking lot?


What’s an abnormal Black man?

Matt Damon continues to be a trash box

im still blown away people gave this guy a chance he has always been an asshole to say the least. 

Happens all the time, especially with black women. See also Ciara, Michelle Obama, plenty of others. It’s an attempt to rob them of their femininity, which they are often using to their advantage to help them succeed in a shitty misogynist world. And helps insecure men feel better about the fact that these women are

Yeah you’re right, if DaBaby wanted respect he should have kept his shirt on.

Damn, I hate that it has to get this bad to keep this creep in jail.
Like the abuse of countless young black women weren’t enough?
There has to be more in order for people to be disgusted by him?
This dude just drives everyone’s limit of disgusting huh? I guess the only thing left is finding out if he was violating any

Fuck you.

and your point is? 

This DB is kinda depressing so let’s focus on MTS and talk about how this flower swimsuit is both absurd and also I love it.  (And of course it goes without saying that Megan looks great.)

I understand that this is dirtbag, so the flippant tone is expected, but it seems oddly callous and weird to me that you’re treating a situation involving alleged guardianship abuse as a sibling rivalry. If Britney Spears’ testimony is anything to go by, she holds her entire family responsible for the abuse she has

Let’s not confuse being an entitled, racist cunt with an actual, treatable mental illness.