
Maybe there could be "women's sports" and "fancy lil lady sports" so that dainty little terfs won't have to worry about competing against women they might lose to.

Yeah, my neighbor Mongo von Staysathome doesn’t like Marvel movies either. I give just as much credence to his opinion as I do Dorff’s.

Moonlight was not Oscar Bait, you can tell by the lack of enslaved Black people. Eddie Redmayne makes Oscar Bait movies. Pretty much all of Glenn Close movies nowadays are Oscar Bait. La La Land was Oscar Bait.

Fhtang you all. That was one of my favorite recent shows. Lack of new material is surely pure naive speculation, so while we’re guessing, I’d say it’s budget reasons. The production was astounding/expensive but the show never became a big enough thing. Keep on cloning superhero shows, panem et circenses.

WOW. From our previous exchange, I’m disappointed. Either you’re wildly unfamiliar with how Curtis Jackson engages harmfully with Black women, particularly those who aren’t biracial/racially ambiguous or you don’t care. His interactions with bigoted White women is the diametric opposite. Finally, “you people”, was

Oh dear lord.

Very VERY tired of rape-supporters co-opting language from queer people, e.g. "speak your truth."  No.  That's got to stop now.  

Throughout this entire ordeal, Phylicia has been defending Cosby. Blindly, cowardly, and with little thought as to the VICTIMS. I suspect that plenty of Howard Alumni and current students are very concerned about her “Deanship”, which seems like more of an money making position on behalf of the University. I doubt

We will never know the whole story, but I’ve thought it was clear to everyone for a while that even if there was a conservatorship that he should not be involved.

You *are* critiquing her testimony. You’re letting your own biases of bipolar disorder colour your perception of a woman who has experienced over a decade of abuse and exploitation at the hands of her family members. Britney Spears would not be the first person to be exploited by a guardianship system that is rife

Man, I don’t like Britney. But she made the music, she went on tour, she put in the hours. Her family literally leeched off her (I'm looking at you too, Jamie Lynn). She made the money. If she's batshit crazy, it's her money. It's her life. Let her live. Leave her alone. 

Yes, let’s expose the inherent sexism in the legal system by discussing how sanitized terms downplay underlying horrific conduct.

No one on earth gets hate like Black women just tryna do their damn job

I like how this paints the Catholic Church as the unreasonable party, and flows right in to Jez’s predictable “But let us remind you that we hate Biden, too.”

Like we used to forcibly institutionalize people suffering from mental illness and there’s a reason we don’t anymore. Even some people who voluntarily commit say they got treated terribly while in a psychiatric hospital. 

It appears the figure is coming in part from people who’ve self-reported to police while in custody as having a mental illness.

This is very stupid. It is perfectly reasonable to point out problems in a policy based on historical precedent or any number of other reasons, without also having to say “also, I have solved the problem, and the answer is this”. It is, in fact, as Ashley notes, the job of policy creators to create policy, and when

I have my fair share of mental illnesses and disorders so the notion that I don’t care about the plight of the mentally ill because I didn’t drum up an alternative mental health policy than Andrew Yang is absurd. But go off.

The involuntarily committed women, LGBTQ people, and minorities over the last couple of centuries would like a word with you.

I’m hoping the Washington Post fact checks this because I highly doubt it’s true.