
I don’t know anyone personally and I am not New Yorker.

Mentioning history is the same as saying the policy will be bad?

“Let’s fight bigotry against AAPI with bigotry against the mentally ill!”

I also agree with the writer who says that having more dark skinned Black actors wouldn’t make a difference in policing, etc., so what’s the problem.

Many celebrities were never taught or learned to be spokes people or leaders outside of their craft. It’s unfortunate but fact and extends across the gamut of entertainers. Personally, it’s exhausting and a constant stream of disappointment. I hate to tell people to stay in your lane because I do feel artists can

What a poorly informed and lazy take.

I’m just going to leave this here:

The Intercept fucked up real bad, and refused to take any responsibility for it.

“I bet Biden is Ok with this. “, “The Obama administration would have done something like this.” I’ll make it easy for you. The Trump administration DID this!

I’m begging y’all to give this ghoul the LEAST amount of attention possible. I don’t care what “outrageous” or stupid donkey shit dribbles out her mouth — quit giving her oxygen. None of this is new or worthy of reporting on. I see some Jenner article basically every other day.

Because she’s still their grandmother and they love her. Acknowledging someone’s faults so you don’t repeat them doesn’t mean that you stop loving them.

They’ve been pretty clear from the beginning that their beef isn’t with the Queen. It’s with the British press, the people in the palace working behind the scenes and

That’s some real fragile links

...which means the collective population may have lost a lot of antibodies and such from being exposed yearly.

 Meghan and Harry’s claims that there was concern expressed about the skin color of their then-unborn first child. If the Windsors had an issue with ‘coloured immigrants or foreigners’ working desk jobs at the palace a full 15 years into Elizabeth II’s reign, it’s not hard to believe that the possibility of

The queen is exempt from being sued for discrimination based on sex or race by the people she hires. It doesn't require much of leap to get from this being the accepted practice at the palaces to the racism that forced Megan and Harry to leave.

So the Queen is exempt, but her grandson’s wife is fair game for trumped up bullshit? 

The Root: “Empower Black women! Give Black women a seat at the table! Black women know how to get shit done!”

Yeah this is some lazy trifling shit right here. So I guess you missed the part where Biden called out Joe Manchin & Kyrsten Sinema yesterday for hampering his efforts on voting rights and other things. I mean really I know you black blue checks really think you all are doing something but you need to quit. Clout is

Hey Maggie, look we get it you enjoyed being The “Trump Whisperer” at The NYT but really stop. Look we know you craven assholes in the media miss him and really think that boring competency is bad for your ratings & clicks but the rest of us are pretty content with Lord Stretch Marks of Mar-A-Lago gone. How about

Nice. First you play the victim and now you attack on political stance somehow being the problem with her shitty research? Go back to jerking into your gym sock, fragile ass moron.