It’s not just the NFL. You have no idea how assholish and disconnected from reality a lot of PR people are.
It’s not just the NFL. You have no idea how assholish and disconnected from reality a lot of PR people are.
How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.
If you were expecting him to wreck you would be mistaken. Usually a Bear only eats it when it is a monkey on a bike.
Nope, not mine. Did you lose one?
This also happened in Minnesota, but Blair Qalsh couldn’t really fault someone for pushing too far to the left.
Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?
Which of these brands realistically fit size 14-15 feet?
Which of these brands realistically fit size 14-15 feet?
My personal favorite is the Shark Navigator Liftaway Professional. Although it is loaded with features, it’s the simple things about it that I like.
My personal favorite is the Shark Navigator Liftaway Professional. Although it is loaded with features, it’s the…
... and now I know where to get my uniform when I’m hired as a janitor at the Jedi Temple.
I really think we should take the NFL at its word here. In fact, let’s prove their point: we put Roger in a football helmet, then hit him in the head with a sledgehammer 255 times. It won’t cause any long-term effects, right? Everyone okay with this? Great, let’s get on it!
No, you don’t get it. They’re honoring your browser history.
“Go fuck yourself and how did you get this number?”