
@thor79: I was noticing the same thing, but persistence paid off, and I broke in to my phone. Gotta be quick with the trigger...

Pictured top: Barry Bonds' new ladyfriend points out the side effects of steroid abuse.

Time to bust out the Welch's Sparkling Grape juice!

@ceilingFANBOY: Excluding David Carr, who is drooling in his chair.

It's still a 'Love Hotel' but it's clean, has a 42" TV and free internet access.

If we yaki-yaki, me no gay. YOU gay! JAJAJAJAJA!

@ClueHeywood: I wasn't going to let those old zip disks go to waste!

magazine great for toilet paper

It's nice to see Rod Roddy's suits have lived on.

When prostate exams go wrong! Starring Rick Reilly.

Care to read a Favre-free and largely dickless Deadspin?

the car [Pacman Jones] was driving was forced off the road and onto the sidewalk

"I'm not getting into that. I've got my hands full with the Jets."

I truly appreciate everything Bono has done for us

I'd say that's pretty much how I approached my dream job. I was working and going to school, but I was also keeping an eye out for my big break, so to speak. If I hadn't been working and going to school like crazy, I wouldn't have been ready when the opportunity arose.

North Dakota has a hard time remembering where to find South Dakota. At least they're honest.

@Deadp00l: They've only done Pence and Bourn as current players... I'd say that's pretty careful, as they're still on the team.

Balfour is lucky. This kind of wrestling caused Kaz Matsui's anal fissures.