
theres a reason why your a news reporter

"Its a real sport, I've taken a class once!"

IF this were true for baseball, San Diego would be going for a 30-peat.

I hit him with the Muhammed Ali left-right-left

Gay, Mentally Challenged Biracial Male Cheerleader

And the hole time

@SponsoredbyV8: The Spanish Inquisition wouldn't have occurred?

@AzureTexan: In Jack's defense, he can't hear it.

@Kid Canada: I'd go with Assfoliant. Much cleaner.

@Brian Davidson: He's the only man I've ever seen down a Kopp's Quadruple Burger. Probably about 8000 calories in that thing.

Of course, there are gun-toting thugs in all walks of American life.

There's only one O in FlOrida. /Twice Served

I look forward to the 2010 NFL, where the coin toss is replaced by "pick a hand".

Tebow 27:26