
More people will watch this video than will watch the Nationals actually play this season. Nice shirt!

We don't raise our children to be like that marlins fans son,

@DeepFriar: Too bad the movie will only be "30 Days in Donté".

It could not be a coincidence that out of 12 appearances Jimmy just happened to face the TOP or the MEAT of the order 7 times!

@ScientificMapp: You're a cont... a cont... You're a cont... cont... You're a ... continuing source of inspiration to me.

This has really brought "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here" to a new level. Now, 4 people may watch!

@SayChowdaFrenchie: With this streaking incident, he's practicaly guaranteed an at-large berth in the 2009 World Fucking Championships.

I've tried 3 times to unsuccessfully cut caffeine. The withdrawal headaches are horrendous. This has inspired me to try attempt 4, perhaps using caffeine-free coke as my "placebo", even though I already know what it is.

Free 12-pack of Milwaukee's Best with purchase!

Online Dynasty rocks. It's like playing with my buddies in college all over again, complete with trash-talk and recruit-stealing. Good times!

This makes perfect sense. When I think technology, I think Milwaukee.

@eddienoteddy: If by best, you mean the most filled with homoeroticism, I totally agree.

@Hatey McLife: "And remember, if you're not sure about something, rub it against a piece of paper. If the paper turns clear, it's your window to weight gain."