More people will watch this video than will watch the Nationals actually play this season. Nice shirt!
More people will watch this video than will watch the Nationals actually play this season. Nice shirt!
@Matt Sussman: +538 in attendance
We don't raise our children to be like that marlins fans son,
@Matt Sussman: Triple nerd score. Fuck Kefka.
@DeepFriar: Too bad the movie will only be "30 Days in Donté".
It could not be a coincidence that out of 12 appearances Jimmy just happened to face the TOP or the MEAT of the order 7 times!
@ScientificMapp: You're a cont... a cont... You're a cont... cont... You're a ... continuing source of inspiration to me.
This has really brought "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here" to a new level. Now, 4 people may watch!
@SayChowdaFrenchie: With this streaking incident, he's practicaly guaranteed an at-large berth in the 2009 World Fucking Championships.
I've tried 3 times to unsuccessfully cut caffeine. The withdrawal headaches are horrendous. This has inspired me to try attempt 4, perhaps using caffeine-free coke as my "placebo", even though I already know what it is.
@Chris Ethel Berman: And it's BUBBLER, not water fountain!
Free 12-pack of Milwaukee's Best with purchase!
Online Dynasty rocks. It's like playing with my buddies in college all over again, complete with trash-talk and recruit-stealing. Good times!
@Weed Against Speed: Go Brewers!
This makes perfect sense. When I think technology, I think Milwaukee.
@Weed Against Speed: You Buddha stop with those puns.
@eddienoteddy: If by best, you mean the most filled with homoeroticism, I totally agree.
@Carlton_Whitfield: Now go get your fucking shinebox!
@Hatey McLife: "And remember, if you're not sure about something, rub it against a piece of paper. If the paper turns clear, it's your window to weight gain."