I have a dream that one day comments will be judged not on the color if their text, but on the content of their snarkiness.
I have a dream that one day comments will be judged not on the color if their text, but on the content of their snarkiness.
A long soak is really the best because the beans actually start to come alive and would sprout given the time. This coming alive process causes the beans to have more available amino acids which are very nutritious. The quick boil method does not generate these added nutrients. The flavor is also better when soaked…
I pressure cook mine. No soaking. I can't manage the kind of commitment.
I fail to see how simple directions that can be found on the back of any dried bean packaging can be considered to be a "hack".
Geez, how does this qualify as a life hack? First, anyone who actually grabs for dried beans instead of canned knows this. Second, it's on the freakin' side of the package. Sorry, my oldness is getting to me. But really. Just grab the can.
I tried this once, as the method is conveniently written on the back of the package for most beans. The results are decidedly less than optimal. Overnight or open a can; I'm not throwing out another batch of otherwise good chili.
Come on, now. "According to The Kitchn"? How about "according to the directions on every single bag of dried beans on Earth"? It pisses me off because I imagine some douchebag passing this off as a hack. Here's a similar hack, then, to marvel over: when getting the water to boil those beans, turn your sink tap and…
I'm not too excited unless they are also getting rid of the people currently in charge of the Z design and development. The 350Z should have resulted in heads rolling and the 370Z was more or less an incremental improvement over the 350Z. Neither car was truly deserving of the Z badge in my mind.
No. Please don't, Nissan.
They do need to replace the current engine. The one I test drove made some awful noises. The way of the world is smaller engines with turbos, so this wouldn't be a surprise. But, for some reason I never got excited about this car. Maybe the shape which makes it look heavy, but the engine noise was a turn off.
also never quite freezes...and irresistible to play with at the table...
Never throw out honey! Honey literally never goes bad.
Wait, there are people who think honey is "ruined" when it begins to crystallize? Excuse me while I facepalm myself into unconsciousness.
We get a large container of honey at a time and it often it starts to crystallize towards the end. One day my brother picks up the honey and says he's throwing it out...my dad from the other room says use some hot water to bring it back...later we find out that my brother just poured hot water into the honey and…
It's because honey is a supersaturated solution. So many sugar molecules are packed together that when something triggers it (moisture, air, any little thing basically) some of the sugar comes out of solution and reorganizes as a crystal. It's just how honey (and all other supersaturated solutions) works.
10 seconds in the microwave will remove crystals too... just remember to remove the lid and keep an eye on the jar as your microwave may work slower (or faster) depending on its wattage. (Also, the honey will be hot. Be careful!)
"Nothing better than getting tipsy on a cruise ship."
Yep. Same here.
Greetings and farewells are a big part of my social anxiety, especially with kissing. I really, really just don't like the obligatory touching involved in those parts of social interaction. Why can't I just use my mouth to say "hello" and goodbye"?