

What kind of brain dead person admires Palin and Cruz? Palin who lies, spreads disinformation like "death panels" and trashmouths people then turns around and says she is a victim. Senator Cruz whose quest to bring down the government and deny health care to millions is sickening. I guess their admirers are

Kim Kardashian was robbed.

but treatment will never get off the runway

I agree, the whole story has a certain air of cray cray to it. I feel bad for the guy because his future depends on a wing and a prayer now.

It's plane to see that this man has some mental issues.

Maybe he was trying to Bump start it.

What of those cold-weather jackets with the Velcro end-of-sleeve wraps? Work well you say...well most of the time, yes; except when unhooking the Velcro sleeve wraps and then doffing your jacket, just as you get both hands behind your back and attempt to remove your arms from the jacket-sleeves, one (or sometimes

This guy is truly an example of no matter how life kicks you when you're down if you keep trucking along you'll eventually defy all probable odds. Arsenio, congrats on tricking a network to give you another show.


Ugh, the kerning! It's. hur.ting my. eyes.

The kerning on that "awesome toy sale" text makes me want to cry. Seriously. Along with the fact that the periods make no. fucking. sense. (that's how it's done, random Target web designer).

Someone on GT went through the TOS and found an email address for their copyright agent. I emailed them, and included links to news articles and to the facebook group. Maybe other people can do the same? I've seen a lot of comments here from people who say they're angry but don't see that they can do anything.

This is funnier than it has any right to be.

Should call the group, "NFeeLs"

MARSHALL: Okay, fellas, welcome to the first NFL Feels meeting. Today we're going to talk about the pain and the pressure that we go through, both on and off the field. Remember, just be honest and we'll talk it through. Who wants to go first? Go ahead, Richie.

She really does!

The thing is, when people talk about how they wish they had diesels here, they often cite the economy of the smallest engines available, which comes with the stupid-slow acceleration.

She looks...constipated?

The best part is Matt bought a Volt which is even worse on performance than the diesel. lol. So I would take his criticism with a grain of salt.