
Dude, that’s your sister.

And now you made want to buy the expansions and play the game again... damn you Luke! Damn you all to traffic-jammed hell!

Thanks BB-8!

I’d tell you to be realistic and not hold out for the SE, but then again I held out for Majora’s Mask SE New 3DS last year and lucked into having a morning off when all of 4 were delivered to a Gamestop near me last March.

The problem really is that the special edition is the only economical way to own all three titles - especially if you don’t want them as downloads and woudl rather it all on one cartridge. The DS systems are woefully short on space so if you are like me and have a few games on there it sucks removing it especially

Holy shit. Really?! That’s just fucking awful. I hope you manage to snag one man. What timing.

I’m a sucker so I’m finally going to splurge on a new 3DS as it looks pretty swank. I also drew some Corrins last week:

It’s unfortunate that they made the version with Birthright, Conquest and Revelation a “special edition”. I feel like if people were going to buy a Fire Emblem game they would want the definitive version rather than making three seperate purchases.

I’m just going to take this opportunity to say... I HATE THE FUCKING MINIONS!!!

Do you enjoy Star Wars? Because it’s probably the easiest example of an theatrical marketing ploy. (Besides A New Hope, but that was supposed to be a standalone movie)

don’t worry, people still hate the Kardashians, and will continue to do so, for oh so many reasons.

Let’s be clear, there’s PLENTY wrong with Kanye West.

The greatest artists and entertainers are well known for not wanting to see or exhibit their creations.

]Call -151

considering someone actually went and made that virus after the movie came out, yes.

Last time I saw that one it replaced the spacebar with “ass”

That’s why you you do staggered Consecutive formats to the MBR then logical partitions then repeat back and forth. I understand it’s the only way using basic commands.

I was a major computer geek in the early 90s (I was 13) - and we used to love a program that would throw in random characters as you were typing. Used to infect all the computers in lab with that one. Classic!

Haha, in your defense, I googled the hell out of the artist’s name, though, just to be sure she wasn’t actually part of Bethesda

Between LISA, Undertale and now this, is Earthbound-like becoming a new genre?