But this entire comment thread says otherwise. The droid is right, you are irrational as hell.
But this entire comment thread says otherwise. The droid is right, you are irrational as hell.
I think you’re confusing “feels so insecure so easily” with “can read.”
sounds like someone has old man syndrome, I dont like it because its not what im used to. is it gimmicky? probably. I fail to see how this is a nightmare, OH NO, PEOPLE CAN WATCH FOOTBALL ON THEIR TABLE, ITS SO TERRIBLE!!! WHERE DID THE WORLD GO WRONG?
To be honest, this would actually be cool if that’s even remotely what it actually looked like. The narrow field of view will keep me from touching this tech. If they improve so it’s your complete field of view, then sign me up!
If what I said was your whole statement, you really need to work on your writing clarity. That is not how your original comment reads at all.
man these are cool, but you know what’s not cool,
That settlement, that needs your help, I’ve marked it on your map.
block your potential to play most of the good games.
Whether or not someone will play all of the games in their Steam library is completely irrelevant to the question. Your original comment was that going PC-only would prevent someone from playing “most of the good games.” No one is doubting that you will miss good games if you have only one platform. Hell, if you have…
Thank you for illustrating the reason your statement is fucking foolish. Your criteria for what ‘most of the good games’ are are ‘the games I like’ is equivalent to saying ‘the opinion of everyone who likes different games from me is wrong’. By saying ‘the good games’ = ‘the games I like’, you are implying ‘the games…
The Fox-Doge recognizes the Doge of Venice’s comment.
I mean, I never said you’re not welcome to prefer a console, but there are a lot more games on PC in many more eclectic genres you’ll never get on console than vica versa.
I... I do have consoles. From the Colecovision forward.
I’m in my mid-30's. It’s not as if I just discovered gaming.
Reading -any- part of this thread apart from my initial response to you would’ve saved you the trouble of this post; I’m not dogging console gamers, but saying we PC gamers miss the “good” games is about…
*looks at PC games I own* Yeah I’m gonna have to laugh in your face there. Damn near every game I own, enjoy and am interested in is either only on PC, or is better on PC.
My wife and I own a number of consoles; I was a Nintendo kid in the 80's, and her family chose Sega, so between the two of us, we have an NES, SNES, Sega, Sega CD, MegaDrive, etc, etc.
I will never dump on console gaming, because it’s where I came from (I gamed on PC to some extent in the 80's/90's, but I only built my…
Disagreement seconded. I am not particularly partial to any platform for gaming, but it’s weird to see people latch on to these relatively isolated incidents (Arkham Knight and Tales of Symphonia) as somehow representative of all PC gaming. That notion couldn’t be further from the reality of the situation.
...my Steam library begs to disagree.
Ok, they mime putting a gun to their heads, but it’s not like they’re actually killing themselves. Just as other people have pointed out, people often mime suicide in real life when extremely bored or annoyed. And why would anyone get shaken by seeing a suicide in a game where a major game mechanic is trying to shoot…
You’re playing a game where you kill people.
Not everyone cares about immersion; I sure as hell don’t. I remain disconnected from everything.
So you don’t install them - Problem solved.
Everyone has their own vision of what they want their post-apocalyptic character to look like. Who says this isn’t more immersive for those people?