Well. That’s one way I won’t be playing! But kudos to whomever tries to.
Well. That’s one way I won’t be playing! But kudos to whomever tries to.
In your defense, it’s pretty obvious you have no idea what female skin looks like in real life.
Except everyone who keeps permadeath on restarts the fucking game as soon as they lose a unit.
And these are the same people - nay, dipshits - who look down on anyone playing casual and phoenix.
“It isn’t about a game just being challenging. This isn’t about whose the bigger gaming badass.”
Or it can still be a fun strategy game with a great story and characters worth experiencing.
Nah, it’s not quite that black & white. Nohr has lots of characters/fiefdoms that aren’t “evil” at all.
So, you are a try-hard then?
If you actually knew how precise the animations have to be in Street Fighter when it comes to conforming to accurate frame data, then you wouldn’t be posting uninformed comments.
Exactly, they lack any sort of qualities that attract other people, but they spin their loneliness and inability to connect with others as signs that they are not undesirable, but actually the Platonic form of desirability.
I’m not going to be funny here. See a therapist. You have issues.
Why is it that guys who go on about beta/alpha males always seem so insecure and lack confidence? It’s almost as if they are making up arbitrary rules that they can fall back on after they fail to connect with anyone.
Only if you forcefully break out of the cryopod at the beginning and stop Sephiroth from stabbing her.
A) the alpha/beta divide doesn’t actually exist in nature, only in captivity; in the wild, animal groups are almost entirely familial.
B) The exception being lions, which doesn’t really square up in any case since humans aren’t felines.
C) the only primate species with an dominant male/harem social structure are…
This time onebilliontyeleven.
Casual cynicism and outright contempt for people you don’t like makes you cool on the internet.
Hooray! Victim blaming! It works with men being abused, too!