I did get mine. But the gamestop is closing down and cancelled my order. T_T
I did get mine. But the gamestop is closing down and cancelled my order. T_T
I remember playing this game nonstop in the weeks that followed its release. It arrived at the perfect moment, since there wasn’t anything interesting going on and I had an itch for a city builder. I haven’t played in months, but after reading this, it might be time to visit my city again. Hopefully with the…
A droid can dream?
It’s amazing how they went from “this is the last Fire Emblem” with Awakening to “this game has three versions” with Fates.
I think at the very least, they should release an edition with both games and dlc for $80 like the Special Edition. Take out the artbook and everything else, I just really wanted to have both games on one cartridge, it would had made switching back and forth more comfortable.
Yeah, I kid you not, man. It’s almost like the plot for a “Jingle All The Way” movie.
If the purple haired lady is any indication, I guess it’s conquest.
Can I marry the girl with the purple hair?
I’m still sad that I won’t be able to get the Special Edition. I had managed to pre-order it the day after it was announced. I rarely can get the cool special editions when it comes to Nintendo, so I was super happy that I had managed to get this one. Guess what happened? The Gamestop where I pre-ordered it is closing…
Buy my stuff, you know you want to.
Night of the living engine.
Why is BB-8 alone? BB is no loner!
Came here to say this, but you already covered it. Yeah, apparently “inspired by Earthbound” is becoming a genre of its own.
Yeah, I think the problem is that I vaguely remember them doing some valentine cards a while ago, so I thought this was an official follow up. Oh well, you learn something new everyday haha. Today I learned that with great snark, comes great responsibility.
Call me crazy, but that looks pretty cool.
The only one insecure here is you. You are the one that keeps attacking people rather than defend your point. Not one have I attempted to attack your character, yet you keep replying with Ad-Hominem (yes, another elaborate term and logical fallacy) to discredit my point.
Agh! I thought these were the official ones! Drat, that’s what I get for trying to come up with a snarky reply too fast.
Your logical fallacy lies in using two anecdotal cases of bad ports to imply that PC gaming in general gets bad ports or misses out on most of the good games. That’s all I meant.