But I am chill. I’m simply pointing out that your argument also applies to simply owning one console. Because if you only own one console, then you are also missing out on all the great exclusives from the other two consoles and pc.
They are not fancy words, is just the term used to describe your logical fallacy. I mean anecdotal evidence isn’t a very elaborate concept at all....
“And there is some very good console exclusives? Just today i had gravity rush and Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.”
You are committing a logical fallacy by using anecdotal unsubstantiated evidence to support your argument.
Nice, we more or less have the same gaming background. I started gaming with Nintendo and in 2013 moved to PC gaming. Nowadays I have a PC/Wii U/3DS combo and I couldn’t be happier.
That’s the beauty of mods, though. Everyone can choose whatever they want.
I disagree. The original Mario RPG is a good game and great for having set the trend and all, but it pales in comparison with some of the follow ups. Thousand Year Door and Bowser’s Inside Story outdo it, imo. Not only do they have a very excellent gameplay, but they are chock full of humor, charm and carry some…
I know mentioning this website here can often be considered heresy, but the game so far is pretty well received according to Metacritic. 38 positive reviews and like 13 average reviews with no overwhelmingly negative reviews so far.
I feel the opposite in regards to Dream Sequences/Papercraft Battles. The dream segments seemed to drag for too long and became somewhat tedious, where the Papercraft battles so far feel like a nice diversion from the main gameplay.
Here’s the problem, though, there’s no way to deal with the amiibo situation in a way that please everyone. Some people want amiibo to have a minimal impact on games, others want more functionality out of the statues they bought. Those are irreconcilable ideas, but the way they implemented it here seems fair.
Gotta admit, much like Red Dead Redemption, Black Flag satisfied an itch that surprisingly very few developers have bothered delving in. In this day and age of open world games, it’s surprisingly sad to see a lack of western and pirate games.
It really wouldn’t surprise me if it’s piggybacking, because when I first saw the game, I thought it was a spiritual successor to “Papers, Please”. Wouldn’t surprise me if they are trying to bank on that.
Oh, I wasn’t specifically referring to this one. More like a general rule. Yeah, I also saw the 4 reviews available and my enthusiasm for the game has diminished.
Sadly, Steam reviews rarely show valuable reviews of the games. Most of the time, we have overused joke reviews that aren’t really that funny.
Or maybe you should consider getting a new hobby. If you think games have been terrible for over a decade, then maybe it’s time to move on to something else that can satisfy you.
Yeah, there’s no denying that. Like I said, it’s one of the most annoying things, though not the most troublesome.
“All play and no settlement work makes Preston a dull boy.”