Seeing you buy the game and probably enjoy it, fills me with determination.
Seeing you buy the game and probably enjoy it, fills me with determination.
“On the other hand, at least there was a choice.” Not really, the questline was far more lineal and they even force you to face death, even when there was a character that could had done the final mission just fine. Broken Steel made the big decision even more pointless.
“On the other hand, at least there was a choice.” Not really, the questline was far more lineal and they even force you to face death, even when there was a character that could had done the final mission just fine. Broken Steel made the big decision even more pointless.
This. I still find it amazing how everyone was disappointed with Fallout 4 and I enjoyed it. Why? Because during all the E3 hype everyone was freaking excited and hyped, practically treating this game as the videogame Jesus, meanwhile I was actually skeptical about many of the changes. Once the game released, I played…
I actually really liked Starfox Adventures but that’s because I love Zelda games.
Ugh Quest 64, what an awful game. The name alone brings bitter memories.
If that’s how we judge what makes a Fallout game, then Fallout 3 is even worse than 4.
Yes and no. Unlike 2 and especially 3, you won’t be spending half of the game learning how to become an assassin. Like the first game, you start with both characters already fully fledged assassins and from the very first mission, you’ll be stabbing and dropping top hats.
This is a very important mindset. There’s no possible way you can ever please everyone. Different tastes and experiences lead to different opinions and preferences. By trying to please everyone, you can more than likely end up with a bland product that doesn’t stand out. Something I think it’s very common with big…
I have to admit, I love the game, but I have steered clear away from the fandom. Sadly, most of what I seen, is very toxic.
Yeah, post FF7 content screwed with Cloud’s story arc big time. It’s weird because even at Cloud’s lowest (during the big reveal), he still wasn’t as emo as he is portrayed in anything that isn’t FF7.
Yep, pretty much. As someone who has been on the internet for quite a while, I come to the conclusion that fandoms in general are toxic. From the smallest indie to the biggest franchise, all of them have horrible people. And good people too, let’s not forget that.
Black Flag is really it’s own thing. It’s kind of like a GTA set during the pirate era. You’ll do the usual mission and assassination, but most of the time you’ll be on the sea, exploring and battling other ships.
Well that’s what you get for being E.V.I.L.
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who thought it was disappointing. Halfway through the game and I was actually hoping it would end soon, something I never thought of while playing Asylum and City. On the contrary, with both games I was hoping it wouldn’t end just yet.
Definitely. I learned my lesson last gen and now I do my best to avoid the hype train. And as a result, I usually enjoy most games that were considered disappointments. It doesn’t work all the time, as there are truly disappointing games out there, but for the most part, it helps a lot with setting expectations.
Agree on all accounts. That’s one of the things I love the most about New Vegas, it gives you so much freedom to come up with your character. Your character can be a young man, it can be an old man with an abandoned family, it can be so many things and that’s what I loved about old Bethesda games.
Super Mario Maker is the dream of many 80s-90s kids come true.
Pretty nice list, some of these I need to play. Want to play Bloodborne, but since I game mainly on PC, that’s a gem I’ll have to miss out on :(!