
Cool, I hope you have fun. I really enjoyed the surprise and it kind of felt like something they would do in a dlc. Feel free to let me know what you think once you play it!

That is true, but unlike most Bethesda games, in this one your character is a tad more defined. It feels like in this one you are more encourage to be a “good” person than in their previous games. It has its pros and cons, because a more defined character allows them to create some more emotional moments. But I

I didn’t go into details because I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t played it. However, if you are already in sequence 6 or further, pay attention to the river’s end on the upper right part of the map. There should be a strange icon there, go check it out.

Putting down every raider under one banner would more than likely be impossible. I don’t see them being a faction in the vein of the big three, I see them more like the anti-minutemen. They could be the alternative to the minutemen for evil characters.

The Minutemen represent one of Bethesda’s most annoying things when it comes to factions. Oh hey you are the leader of a faction, go do all the grunt work.

There’s potential to do this through mods. If Skyrim taught me anything, is that modders can come up with some pretty great ideas for questlines and new gameplay.

Black Flag was great, it just doesn’t feel like an AC, imo. And that’s kind of the thing, what made it good for me, was the fact that it didn’t feel like AC, it felt like it’s own thing.

Like I told OP, Skyrim was terrible at how it handled the factions. Not only could you join all of them, the questline for all of them treated you like the most special person in the whole world. And then you can have serious inconsistencies when you can do things like joining the legion and then killing the emperor

I see that the Ace Attorney is strong with you, my young legal aide.

I’m actually on the opposite side, I like the fact that you can’t please everyone. Not only does it make more sense, but it also encourages multiple playthroughs.

It makes sense for them to not tackle the 20th and 21st century with AC. With Watch_Dogs they got the 21st century covered and frankly that game does feel like what you would expect from an AC game set in modern times.

I can see why. It took everything that made AC2 great and improved it, while also adding some very neat gameplay additions. On top of that they even included a multiplayer that at the time was quite unique and interesting.

Yeah, Brotherhood was one of those weird blatant cash-ins that somehow still manages to have some novel ideas and be decent. And I have to admit, I wasn’t planning on continuing playing AC games ( I never bothered with Unity, Rogue and tried Liberation only to be extremely bored). But I always wanted an AC game in

To be honest, I thought the next AC was going to be set in World War 1, as Unity and Syndicate both have shown brief glimpses of it. That said, if this is true, then that would be a much welcomed change. Both in setting and timeframe, because while Syndicate has easily been the best AC since Brotherhood, the series

Yeah, I always found it odd how everyone complains that Ash is a loser and a failure. The kid consistently manages to be in the top 4-8 of regional championships, even though he hasn’t won the championship, that does count. And if anything, Ash is the closest representation of how the average player would be like if

Probably gonna go a bit off topic, but I wouldn’t say that Ash is a loser or lousy. If anything, I say he is more normal than Keita. When he is determined he can do great things, but like any other ten year old, he also tends to slack quite a bit. He goes to the league and usually is somewhere in the top 8 or top 4,

“i know the kid has a broken heart and his belief is shattered but it about time the kid gets the news then because the parents trusted the system in place..”

Glad to hear that it doesn’t let you change anything.

But you can also get that with Strong Back, plus fast travel while over encumbered. That said, raising Lone Wanderer to lvl 3 makes the game easier than traveling with a companion.

The way you worded that is strange. You make it sound like the game doesn’t let you travel alone unless you have that perk.