RNG in microtransactions. That has to be as addictive as gambling.
RNG in microtransactions. That has to be as addictive as gambling.
Well sadly there’s no much that we can do, other than saying a couple of witty comments about it.
I guess that’s aimed at the hardcore players that want it make new characters. In that case, they are kind of exploiting their most loyal fanbase, but I guess that’s to be expected.
People are weird, man. But whatever makes them happy, I guess.
Yeah, the line between micro-transaction and dlc has been blurred quite a bit. Like how the stat book for the races is worth $10, yet I paid $6 for Witcher 3’s expansion. As for the booster thingy, can you really call it micro-transaction when it costs half of what the game is worth?
So there’s people that spent more in microtransactions than in getting the base game itself?
The Curious Case of Masahiro Sakurai.
“It’s me, Goku.”
To be fair, I would actually put my money on the Master Sword over the Buster Sword. Love both, though.
I agree. I don’t think we’ll see any new games being announced for Wii U. Pretty much everything that has come in 2015 (sans the AC Amiibo) was already announced either in 2014 or even 2013. So far, the 2016 Wii U lineup is made up by games that were announced in 2014. So I think we’ll be seeing the end of the Wii U…
Yeah, I chose the wrong person to reply to. My bad.
Zelda U will be the Wii U’s swan song. Just like TP was for the Gamecube.
I’m with you. I don’t think they’ll be dumb enough to butcher this money making machine. That said, at this point I really don’t know how it’s all going to play out. All I heard so far is speculation and rumors, so I personally can’t say “yeah this is going to be a three parter, yeah this is going to be a 12 episode…
My biggest fears are not related to changes in the gameplay. My fear is changes in the tone and theme of the game. Post FF7 Cloud became very dark and brooding and I hope they don’t bring that here. I loved FF7 because while Cloud did had some serious moments, he also had a lot of lighthearted moments and was actually…
I think it might not entirely be about PC. Sure, the whole Don scene might be edited due to PC, but at the same time, I’m afraid that they will try to mess with the rest of the game, because they think the sense of humor doesn’t fit with today’s standards.
I’m afraid that the sense of humor might be changed because they might think it doesn’t fit with today’s standards.
That’s running on the assumption that it’s going to be divided in 3 parts. At this points we don’t know how it’s going to be divided or hell how the damn thing will work. You could be right (and that would be ok) or we could have anything between the game being divided into 2-15 parts.
Sounds like they are just fine, rather than Double Fine.........-cricket-
At 15 fps on 480p.
Actually, Battlefield 4 is about to receive an update that adds a couple of legacy maps for free. So I guess Battlefield 4 is an example of multiplayer games being supported years after they launch?