
I would love to check out Yakuza if they released a PC version.

There is no reason for them to not be working on DLC after the game has gone gold. Other than bug testing, there’s no much else to do and in scenarios like that, usually some staff gets cut out (graphics artists in particular).

I guess we’ll never see Grapple Knight v Shovel Knight: Dawn of Indies

I think the trailer was done with the intention of implying that Jacob is the Ripper but I think they are trying to pull a Kojima with this one. I would be surprised if he really is the Ripper.

1) Development on the main game ends way before the ship date.

Jack the Ripper wasn’t just alive in the 1880’s, his spree started in that decade. During 1888 to be more precise.

I didn’t choose the post-apocalyptic life. The post-apocalyptic life chose me.

That fucking guy. One of the few instances where I been legitimately intimidated by a boss in the past few years. One of the most intense fights I have this year and very satisfying to beat.

Pretty much this. The first time I played the game, it feel like a cheap plot device to move the game forward. Hearts of Stone gave it a very nice touch.

In retrospective, that scene is amazing. All the foreshadowing that leads to Heart of Stone and when you first play the game, you even forget about it.

Hearts of Stone is one of the best dlcs I played in a long time. Gaunter is one of the many reasons that make it memorable.

This screenshot is giving me a Hotline Miami vibe. Or rather it makes me think of what HM would be in HD and 3D.

I won’t judge you. While I don’t agree with your actions, you don’t give me the impression of being a cheating scoundrel. And personally, I wouldn’t worry too much about those booing you. Everyone has done a bad deed once and I bet some of these paragons of justice have done far worse things than exploiting a

Your comparison doesn’t exactly make sense either. In your comparison, the fact that he bought a tv has no effect on your belongings nor do you benefit economically from it. In his case, he spent money on Bungie.

Oh yeah, no doubt. Most sites I frequent, usually have a list for the top overall games on the console and some sort of guide for those looking for the consoles’ unique experiences.

Please don’t make brash generalizations like that. I’m a PC gamer, yet I still value the software that consoles have. Love my Nintendo games and I’m interested in BloodBorne/Halo 5 (though I’m not planning to get either console).

Please don’t make brash generalizations like that. I’m a PC gamer, yet I still value the software that consoles have. Love my Nintendo games and I’m interested in BloodBorne/Halo 5 (though I’m not planning to get either console).

A top ten list of exclusives it’s aimed at a console’s potential buyers. The division is meant for people who already have a console and want to see if getting the other one is a good idea.

An Animal Crossing game for Wii U that had some sort of connectivity with New Leaf would be a dream come true.

One of the best things about JC2 were the cool easter eggs. In a sandbox as big as the ones in JC, it’s always pretty neat to find some easter eggs.