
I just spent five minutes staring at this gif in awe. Well done.

Why? Just cause....

No! Bad Jman! You get a timeout!

If you guys are gonna fight, could you at least make it look like a 21st century internet fight?

Serious pants are a pre-order dlc. Guy preordered the game.

Yeah, I was really bummed, because games like Crash were some of their most creative games.

Yeah, no kidding. A internet forum manager must also be an exhausting job in that regard. Heck, I think that might be worse as you can’t actually ignore the vitriol but rather you have to step in.

Yeah, I think in the end, he will benefit from it. With Konami he had practically become the Metal Gear Guy. Shame that it wasn’t until the end, that he was finally given a chance to work with another IP, only to be taken away.

I thought it was Activision.

Maybe Kojima will finally be able to work on something not related to MGS. God knows he has been wanting to break away from MGS for quite a while now.

I remember reading a long time ago that the studio said something along the lines: “Crash no longer fits with the themes we like to use in our games.” It was them basically saying that they only focus on mature games and don’t want to work on kids games I guess. Don’t take my word for it, though, as my memory could

I hope this also means that the franchise itself will take a rest, rather than be given to another studio. Uncharted is a fantastic franchise, but giving it a break after 4 seems like a very good idea. I would hate to see it mutate into a yearly franchise that fails to capture the essence of the original games.

No kidding, at one point Konami was easily one of the best developers out there. With guys like Kojima and Tohru Hagihara among others, they had an incredibly talent force that pay attention to detail and quality. Shame to see them go out like this.

Is not about taking the criticism directly, but rather how taxing it is to deal with so much negativity on a daily basis, even if it’s not directed at you.

“At this point, I’m surprised that A) the people are still working at Konami America, cause why would you want to work there”

Man, I’m gonna miss the hell out of Castlevania, MGS, Contra and hell even Frogger.

Definitely easier said than done. Considering all the people that might want to leave, it’s not gonna happen that easy.

Sounds to me like you are a combo of nihilism and laziness. Have fun doing nothing, I guess.

“It’s still a solid game to this date”

One could say that we were played like a stringed musical instrument.