Oh the old days when everyone was just pleading for anything that was not World War 2.
Oh the old days when everyone was just pleading for anything that was not World War 2.
Have you played those recently? A few glorious exceptions aside, those levels need a lot more than better textures to be as fun in 2016 as MW would be/is.
- The first burn was the region lock (On 3DS... and Wii U)
- The second burn was the lack of 3rd party support (On Wii U)
- The third burn was the lack of games (On 3DS ~recovered~... and Wii U)
- The fourth burn was the sudden lack of VC games (Mostly on 3DS but also on Wii U)
- The Fifth burn was the whole YouTube /…
Hey, at least the wii got an exclusive Zelda in its twilight.....
I just don’t get it. I’m no marketing guy, not by far, but somehow this sounds utterly stupid to me.
So lets focus on a game we promised you 2 years ago, pulled a console bait and switch on you, and make you see why you should really buy a NX and ditch the WiiU like all our 3rd party devs have...
I think they need to sell it to the wider E3 crowd, bit yeah realistically too far out of release date.
But think about how realistic the fishing is gonna feel with the new controller.
I don’t think they are delaying the NX’s release to coincide with Zelda’s release, I’m pretty confident it’s the other way around.
Can’t wait for someone to post Shigeru’s whole “A rushed game is bad forever. A delayed game is eventually good” picture. (which of course ignores that delayed games such as Aliens: Colonial Marines, Duke Neukem Forever, Daikatana, or Blizzard’s Titan were either commercial disasters or, by Blizzard’s account, so bad…
Reese’s Puff has been around since 1994, though. It can vote!
Special K? GTFO!
“In this film alone, he creates a new duel disk capable of nullifying the power of millennium items, builds a space elevator and space station for seemingly no other purpose than to have a place to stash the millennium puzzle, stands in the middle of a busy intersection during a rain storm to challenge Yugi to a duel…
I think you’d enjoy being an actual caveman in real life more than this video game.
Sometimes people like things you don’t like, and that’s okay. You’re not being forced to like them.
Every group of gamers thinks one of other groups is the “real” problem with the industry.
I will never get tired of playing Ocarina of Time. In any format. On any system.
You obviously have no idea how gamers work.