1) Username is on point. What a G.
1) Username is on point. What a G.
Look, I’m going to give Gawker Media my two cents. Journalistic integrity is at an all time low. The emphasis seems to make "click bait" and yes Trump is great at creating that. But there are some might appreciate it if you can have a NO POLITICS and NO POLITICIANS policy. Some are sick of logging on to yahoo, FB, and…
Just buy a fucking PC already.
As someone who didn’t use the exploit, and doesn’t have set of 240 gear, I hate the idea of punishing players for using in game exploits. Hackers and cheaters are one thing, but players just farming loot easily because your game is broken is completely different. Fix your fricken’ game! Or maybe, you know, make an…
This is a terrible joke considering PC gamers were the ones that asked for a PC release in the first place.
Actually...that was a fairly common complaint when the game released. The tutorial goes over a pretty complicated control scheme in a super short period of time. Here is a fairly good example of why it seems likely the devs took a long hard look at what worked and didn’t work with the original, and changed things…
...a sequel 8 years after the first game prompted by a vocal minority of fans, not by sales figures. As far as carrying a fanbase for many years, that could be said about any game, good or bad. As far as “the rest being my opinion”, no, that’s basic game development knowledge.
I’m not angry at all.
It’s the combinations where it got overwhelming, and quick-turns in particular was something easy to forget even existed. And, “gamers these days”? fuck off.
But those are opinions based on other games that were different experiences. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is NOT Mirror’s Edge. I mean, yes, it’s the same world with the same characters and I imagine a lot of the same visuals but the experience will be different and the developers are trying something different with the…
A bunch of people on the internet who haven’t played the game yet are angry about something they haven’t experienced, but saw in a screenshot. That’s it! That does it for me. I had such high hopes but now it’s obvious this game is going to be terrible!
So far it’s mostly Wii type games in VR. The idea of playing motion control type games in VR is not appealing at over 500 dollars. Even if it does feel like I’ve stepped inside the shitty motion control game. Look, I’m inside a shitty game. Dreams do come true. No, I’ll watch from the sidelines.
Way to miss the point, dude.
Shoehorned romances suck- gay or straight. If it’s natural to the story, let it flow. Flow is key.
Easily one of my favorite scenes in the entire movie. This is the scene that truly made the characters relatable and...well, HUMAN. This is how you’d expect two relatively inexperienced kids react to the absolutely amazing thing they just did. Not with stoicism and commitment to mission, but…
I’ll just keep buying all my VOD on iTunes. That being said , this illustrates the point that MS cares about home entertainment way more than Sony does and it’s why I personally put the XB1 far ahead of the PS4 in terms of usefulness. I've had two PS4s and just couldn't justify them taking up a HDMI slot on my TV.
In fact, this video causes the opposite you are trying to say. This outlines how much you have to force your suspension of disbelief to accept that a conflict like Civil War can be caused by the minimal reasons the trailer (and the MCU) has shown by far and how minimal its impact feels in comparison of the comic. I’m…
Against all odds, it’s an actual career path, but one that isn’t as idyllic as you might think.