
News eyelets just like to get tongues wagging.

Insolemuch as this family wields so much power, we can’t allow ourselves to become calloused to the danger.

The movie literally blew out the sound system twice at the theater where they held the premiere. But that has less to do with the movie and more about the probably not up-to-date equipment at the Paramount.

And something the Republicans don’t understand: you will eventually want an actual country to govern in the long run. So you can fight with knives all you want. In the end you either have a governable body or you don’t. The Dems are still holding onto the belief that that’s possible eventually. Because it is

We’re still paying for covering for Clinton in the 90s. Big Picture: Clean the fucking house.

AKA Acorned.

Thanks for the tip!

Very true. Miller showed-don’t-tell like the master he is.

Or maybe just fill it out more. I mean, Trump-as-Joe was already a thing (and an amazing costume at ComicCon) by the end of that summer, so it was part of the zeitgeist in the wake of the film.

Lock him up! Lock h— oh, they’re going to? Cool.

There are not enough stars in the galaxy for this.

Very true.

Well, damn.

A friend of mine saw a very early, not-fully-done screening of it a little less than a year before it was released. He told me he didn’t want to spoil anything but that it was a very decent movie. When it was released he casually said we should go see it on opening night.

Having attempted to have this playing while trying to do housework (nearly impossible) it’s also a movie that works very well when you’re just listening to it. The build-and-release of some action beats is so well orchestrated using everything at their disposal that I’ve found myself tingling just hearing one of the

As much as I’d love a sequel and as much as Theron deserves another go at her most iconic character, I think we’ll be okay if one never materializes. I’d definitely not want to see one done by another director. And in a culture where almost every even sorta successful property gets sequel-ed and bled for every

I realize the publishing world isn’t what it used to be, but if this series somehow ended up as a large book with some multi-page photo layouts and maybe some filling-out of the also-rans, I would pre-order my copy as soon as I was able and probably pre-order a few copies for friends so I could make their year.

I believe one of the MRAs griped “no woman orders Mad Max around!” To which the only answer would be “you mean apart from two out of three of the original trilogy?”

I’ve twice learned that FURY ROAD on the TV and any work getting done in the house do not share any overlap on the Venn diagram.

Yep. If you have a class of people in your country who are economically impervious and who can make themselves mores by undermining the country, you’re just asking for disaster. Now we have disaster.