
Everybody’s got selfie riiiights, ‘cept for me and my monkey.

As someone who lives in Houston and hurricane season coming up, I’m totally snagging some of these

As someone who lives in Houston and hurricane season coming up, I’m totally snagging some of these

They’ll put their foot in their mouth eventually. I’d want to put my best foot forward in this scenario.

You were probably expecting there to be two of him.

“The phone is ringing.... what do I do??”

True, but consider if the shoe was on the other foot.

Larger Than Life and Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties?

Well, he’s got that going for him. Which is nice.

The bone spurs are coming from inside the house!

I once read a theory that parents and children are actually different people.

Aww, Duke. Let’s not make assumptions about Prince. Life is far too long and the universe far too vast and infinite for us to say that something will never happen.

I honestly don’t know why she wrote the book. Maybe it was to normalize her father. Maybe it was to cash in on Marlon’s Instagram fame. Or maybe it even was written from the heart. But just because somebody does something with the purest intentions, I don’t think that necessarily excuses the potential harm of the

And I respect your opinion, whether I agree with it or not, because at least you’ve demonstrated the honesty to admit your error.

As I explained to Prince above, I was mistaken and apologized.

If I may indulge in a pet peeve, I hate it when lists are alphabetized so that everything that starts with the word ‘The’ is placed under ‘T’.

Yes, I was hoping there would be some awards love for The Florida Project. Not that it needs it, but some recognition, come on.

I’ll add to the uncontroversial idea that The Florida Project was the best film made last year, and Willem Dafoe gave the best performance of his career. By the way, if you do like The Florida Project please, please seek out Ramin Bahrani’s Chop Shop. My favorite film of the 2000's and basically The Florida Project’s

 Son of a bitch.

Be sure to drink your ovaltine?

And you know they're the same fuckers who have those "Start seeing motorcycles!" signs on their car or at their house.