
Glad to be of service.

Get the flamethrower!

Huckabee Sanders is the human incarnation of a Dorito fart trapped in a throw pillow.

And weirdly enough it’s Andy Dick doing the impression. They just can’t win!

The greatest trick Ridley ever played was convincing us he’d never existed. And like that <puff> he was gone.

Collect your winnings and retire to the Internet Winner Suite for the rest of the day.

Or when one hand’s in your pocket and the other hand is also in your pocket.

“If the person standing next to you starts talking in a flat mid-Atlantic accent, shoot first.”

Always keep your deceipts.

Nah, just build one really efficient one. Half the fun is watching those fuckers wait in line for their turn.

Taxes force me to help pay for a bunch of drones and explosives that kill a lot of brown people who don’t deserve it.

One of their scams was foiled when they called the Soros foundation and left a message asking it to get back to them so they could plot some nefarious thing. They then proceeded to not hang up the phone and vocally talk about the scam they were pulling (including looking up the LinkedIn page of their contact and then

On the bright side, this turd will never actually be happy regardless of how much money, power, or what have you he has or had. There will always be something he didn’t get, some disrespect he’ll be under, some sleight that didn’t get addressed. He’ll die wanting and angry and probably demented and terrified.

That’s more or less my take on It Comes at Night. I don’t think the movie itself is actually bad, but I did feel a bit ripped off after being lured by the trailer and then handed a movie that was not that.

Honestly can’t remember what they did, but I think in a red band trailer in the States it’s pretty much Thunderdome and you can do what you want. They’re very rarely shown in theaters, so I think the logic is that if you clicked it, you can handle it.

This year’s entry into the Movie to Be Greeted with “Uh. Yeah, okay. I guess” When Suggested as the Family Holiday Movie Outing” race.

The whole episode could have just been him mentioning things “from Cuba” and I’d have been happy.

Love seeing Braugher polish up a little of the Frank Pembleton magic. Love Hitch and Scully being good detectives. Loved all of this basically. Would totally watch a spinoff where the parents start their own motorcycle club and go on the road every week.

Not to pile on, but I’ve had Voodoo doughnuts and they may literally be why the word overrated was coined.

It was almost worth them making the doughnut for this.