
Yes, it’s entirely because of her body type. I don’t think there’s anything classier, or more legitimate about her body, it’s just that fashion designers like using skinny girls because the clothes hang better on them.

He really is just a ridiculously gorgeous man.

Thanks for pointing this out. The old advice to either stay off social, or cover your ass with anonymity, no longer applies. Even if you create separate accounts for work, eventually your coworkers/boss will be able to find someone - your mom, best friend - on social and figure out which of their friends you are.

Well, the difference would be is she supporting raping children? From her essay, it seems not. Is she supporting pedophiles who don’t rape children, but are still attracted to children? I personally think we should do more to support those people. We demonize them and allow them no way to get any help. If you go to a

Not with *single-payer, subsidized birth control*.

How about single-payer, *subsidized birth control for all*?
Saving the nation trillions on unplanned pregnancies (and proving the model could work for the whole shebang).

Ivory towers collide with male privilege, and the rest of us:

I anticipate that Scheana’s brain looks a lot like when John Malkovich went into the portal to his own head. “Scheana, Scheana, Scheana, Scheana...”

I know some people are going to brush this away, but I cannot tell you how harmful these ads are, how pervasive and how damaging. Being Afro-Brazilian on one side & Indian on the other, I see this shit in both my cultures, and with a lot of my female friend and family circle and I still, at 45 years old, I still can’t

Mr Trump’s joke relies on a classic two part structure: Setup, and punch line. The set up establishes a mode of reality, priming the listener for more of the same. The punch line then reverses expectation by introducing an absurd, bizarre, or unexpected notion that often seems contrary to the setup. This turn into the

Follow me and you’ll see tons of them. Kindle auto-corrects and I can’t seem to fix typos even when I see them.

Say you have grievances. You are hurt. You find someone who has similar grievances. This person appears strong. You ally yourself with this person. Along the way, you are vaguely aware that this person is behaving much like the people who aggrieved you to start this whole process. You quickly quiet that little voice

Spot on.

I totally understand. I had a complete breakdown a couple weekends ago. I was drunk and started crying. I got myself so worked up I couldn’t breathe. I actually had to text my roommate to come up to my room and calm me down. I’m 30 but in that moment I could not self soothe. Sometimes you need people.

Ha! really? that is amazingly juvenile, even for her.

Commenters are not Gawker’s customers, advertisers are.

Ridiculous. But I’ve seen it enough times to know you’re not the only one this kind of thing has happened to for expressing a contrary opinion, and she isn’t the only writer who does it. I’ll admit, it makes me censor myself sometimes. Hell, I’m a little worried about saying this much.

They’re also screening Reefer Madness to open up the conversation about legalizing weed.