
I did that so you would go away, but you clearly are the barnacle here. Go the fuck away you obsessive asshat of a person. You don't agree with me, I get it - now be gone! *waves wand* *youre still there* *fuuuuuuck*

Wait what? What's the confusion here

I’m a woman, I said bitch a different way. Like “bitch, please”

Yep see you in the gulag bitch

If the ship is the nonorganic non life form, aka the Democratic Party, then yes, I’m a motherfucking barnacle. Enough barnacles and it'll be done.

I don’t follow you so have no idea what you’ve said, but you're not the last word on this. I disagree. So do many others. A *shrug* is called for at this impasse.

You’re a poet and you don’t even know it!

Once again, I didn't say anything of which you're accusing me.

I didn’t say pointing out he lost is what made Jezebel biased.

I didn’t say that and I don’t speak like that. This is not my point. Last I checked, I wasn’t made of straw.

The bias is in the selection of which stories to most prominently and regularly feature, as I'm sure you're aware

I didn't mean to be disagreeable. Tone and text, i guess. It's not about beliefs, though...unless I'm totally deluded, Jezebel (not gawker) has been making a consistent point about the race for awhile. Ah well.

No, I won’t get over it. And I never said Hillary was the devil. Don’t need to put words in my mouth. Just because I think his candidacy still has relevancy for our broken system doesn't mean I think X. It's not so simple.

Do you want me to link to every Jezebel article on the race? Oy. It’s very clear.

I didn’t, actually. I merely stated my position. The framing of anyone who sides with the perspective that Sanders sticking in the race is a good thing as mere tantrum-throwers is a very limited perspective (one we can partially blame snarky bloggers for). Snort giggle and mock all you’d like, though.

Incisive argument

Jezebel has been biased toward Clinton and frustrated with Sanders’ refusal to concede for awhile. Jezebel is not Gawker. Jezebel is hugely tilted toward H and always has been. It also hasn’t once really demonstrated the feminist argument for Sanders (I’m a feminist and pro Sanders because my feminism is

We get it, guys. You don’t agree with sanders still being in the race. Some of us still perceive it as a profoundly important move. The bias is tiring.

Who moves the mover?

Dude I am so sorry this is what you heard after going through all that - opposite of what you needed. This is such a reflection of some fucked up American/ “Christian” cultural values and not of you, obv.