
This is a view in Portland?!


Ha...the point just whooshed over your head. Your bias and shlocky sexism is clouding your ability to perceive satire. Oughta get that checked.

+10 that last line. So pointed, so, so pointed.

All the Jezebel writers getting earnestly in on this in the comments really threw my brain for a loop for a second. Hats off, you devils.

I...I like it

Blogs like jez run on clicks..:/ try the nyt

I hate that moving to film from motherfucking *Broadway* - the most pressure-filled, high-stakes, talent-full acting landscape in maybe the world - is written about as “moving on to biggest things.” Most film actors have a harder time swinging theater than the other way for a reason. You can't be a hack in theater

He's a producer a part of so many of the things.

This is why I was (am) stoked on Bernie...he actually aligned himself with those movements of the people.

Just a note to say that Bush lost to Gore the second time around. It was absolutely rigged.

Preteen and teenage girls are terrifying.

Do you think there’s no argument to be made that putting the extreme right in power will push us toward a healthy revolution in which we actually realize and fight for the value of equality and our rights?

I think Serena meant that she’s “older” as in baby-making age and thinking about children.

Or even worse, joined in. See: gang rapes in India and more recently, in Brazil

He's Jewish tho. Would also have been massively historical. Sort of sick of this whitewashing.

They’re fucking amazing! I have yet to meet someone who appreciates them on the level. DAMN

I think it's pretty awesome both ways!

I got the point, but she also followed the princess concept. Shows that we reframing the princess ideal can have good effect.

It’s an adventure time reference...there is a princess hot dog.