
Sure, it's a genre by now. It's not that she's doing it, it's how she's doing it.

Also I don’t care if mom jeans are in - sometimes you just have to say no to fashion. But aside from that, she seems all kinds of lovely and wonderful and I really enjoyed her music.

Blerg. It’s almost like people who have ruthlessly climbed to what they perceive as the top on fucked up premises and with awful power-play intimidation tactics are actually in fact mild to extreme sociopaths with concerning mental health issues and are not people we should look up to or put on a pedestal, as we do so

Men get to be “mentally ill,” despite that a great deal of them are murdering women. Women, however, are “crazy” and “irrational” for having emotions, and do not go on such rampages with any frequency. What a fucking world.

What a coincidence - I was just talking about this epidemic in a Lyft of all women tonight. Women are killed *every two hours* by male partners. So it shouldn’t be surprising to see news everyday - it happens 12 times a fuccking day on average. That’s *insane.*

She also got a subtle boob job (like a to mid b). But that just looks like it hurts

That is so offensive to Springsteen and so wrong I CANT FUCKING EVEN

That lede photo: stop, Taylor. Just stop.

But um, she is a warmonger? I’m not a Bernie bro, just not a huge fan of (yes) neoliberal, interventionist policies which harm people. These aren't just rhetorical words, they point to a political approach which has consequences for real people and real lives.

I’m not sure it’s so much a gendered double standard (though that’s there too) as, like, Obama is actually pretty cool (even when he's a bit of a dad dork)? I mean dude is a Kendrick fan, invites rappers to his house, can score lay ups, can sing, etc. May also be a race thang.

Yeah irs fucked. The light skinned worship, especially for women, starts young. See also: tv. Can have dark husband/bf but not wife/gf.

Her advice is often terrible though. And she’s an asshole. also, naming something “skinny girl” and profiting off women’s body insecurities fucking sucks so fuck this woman seven ways til Sunday.

I don’t watch ROHNY but I do watch RHOBV and saw bethenny tear apart Erika Jayne’s career and video (“cheap production”) within minutes of meeting her and essentially tell her what to do and assert that she doesn’t know shit about what she's doing? This woman is a POS.

Sort of proud you’re Jewish, also not surprised. The cleverest commenter is a member of the tribe? But of course; ). Funny Jewish feminists ftw.

She just means finding Jewish folks you have in common. Jewish population is small (very unfortunately...) so eventually you know some same people.

Ditto! I don't get the hate. It's cool, man.

Prosecco is enjoyable, but Cava? Hold the phone. Perhaps some of our British sisters will get the opportunity to try this drier, more superb option. Was almost empathetically upset until I remembered how it felt to taste that sweet, sweet (not actually too sweet) cava....

There’s something so cute about him when he’s forgetting ann’s name.

Naturally. Will 10/10 still watch for the awkward tension and da jokes.

This is the perfect premise for Schumer. She'll shine. Stoked.