
Fuckin perfect

You're...not a performer, are you

She probably had major dissociation. Depression will do that. You don't matter, your circumstances aren't real, etc etc

It’s all worst. Patriarchy is an endless feedback loop - or rather, a dark, rhizomatic network - of abuse.


Well...I was more gullible then than I am now. But I also connected enough with a guy last night that I decided to throw my bag in his car while we were at a show and he ditched me twice for 45 minutes each with some pretty bizarre excuses and I was totally trapped and mortified (not a rapist; just a disorganized

Oh my fucking God. I want drugged but I had a similar situation and I believed the couch line, because I was sick that night and exhausted and I was also broke - $50 was impossible. I was assaulted on his “couch” which was a foldout bed he slept in. It started years of hell for me I’m just now recovering from - sent

Right? I had a similar response. God.

Routine darkness - yes, this is it. I’m glad you’re acknowledging this. After hearing my women friends stories of sexism from coworkers, family (including outright rejection based on sexuality or weight), and assault...I just had this horrible visceral feeling of empathetic and internal trauma. Life for women is in

If it helps I think that sound is courtesy of on and off member josh homme from queens of the Stone Age

This is definitely a silly conspiracy. We already have a very public Muslim conspiracy called ISIS/L and Al Qaeda.

It’s a popular racist trope, period. After the twin towers fell a Muslim girl - yes - turned to me and told me the Jews did it and were celebrating. I'm jewish.

You might be countered by the many country and bluegrass artists who are apparently writing pro trump songs tho :/

That is disappointing.

That is such a deeply patriarchal rant. He so clearly perceives respecting women as men in charge granting them things. “Believing in them.” What are they, fairies? And as if men are the ones primarily convincing women to get abortions...women don’t have wills or minds of their own, apparently. He seems to have lost

It seems like a pretty normal way, sadly, to process a trauma like this.

“Drama kid gone sour” seems just right.

“I’m glad I turned it down.” Haha?

Oh gawd ditto.

Ba dum dum...