
This is jezebel.. Anything even marginally hippie-fied summons NYC-bred snark, so this? Forget it. Never mind if it has any value - it'll be lost to the eye roll. Forget about it!

The exact response that flooded my brain. *woaaaah*

So like, did Black folks invent youth culture in the 20th century and white folks just copped it?

This is a creepy couple. was a creepy couple. AH and JD.

You are special. I mean that.


He was so pretty. God, he was so pretty. She really must have had her famous, vintage Depp goggles on (or her money goggles on, or love goggles, or all of the goggles).

Living under it/being oppressed means relying (psychologically, emotionally) on its “approval,” not having people watch you.


Dude...calm the fuck down. I’m a Bernie supporter. You are the problem, man. No need to tell me to fuck off and die - that’s insane.

Yes, yes they are

Argh you're right. Wtf does sanders do for fun? He's just as single minded, career wise, but he's not getting these questions. Part of it - besides gender - may be that he's more charismatic/inspiring...but let's be's mostly column a

But she is a neoliberal interventionist warhorse. This is true. It’s a shitty truth, and some of the language overlaps with sexist language and that sucks.

I didn't just say getting outside more. I also said trying different experiential learning modes for kids who have different learning styles. That would be enormous help.

If you don't think that's hard work you'd be, well, wrong

I hate this constant complaint about “objectifying” oneself. There is nothing wrong with making oneself into an aesthetic object if you’re the one driving the art. Some us actually take pleasure in it.

Then it may not be running outside, but it sure as hell isn’t sitting stock still either. I was one of those kids. I needed immersive courses with hands on content - sometimes literally, but other time that just meant experiential learning. I only thrived when I began to go to an alternative school with this sort of

I’m not talking about running around a classroom. I’m talking about spending way, way more time outside or in spaces conducive to movement. Some of us can’t think without moving our bodies. If we need to separate the kinds of learners, find. But consistently bending to the desk system is damaging to many folks bodies

LET KIDS RUN AROUND. Let them learn experientially. Let them use and engage their bodies, which are growing and don't like to be dormant. Fucking a! Training these mofos for desk jobs instead of changing how we learn/work is killing us.

Jew here. Agreed. We know this shit. This is the same fucking rhetoric. Trump’s father is a klansman. He is being endorsed - and has accepted the endorsement of - white supremacists. Let’s not pretend this is a gross exaggeration anymore.