
Without the internet we wouldn’t have cat gifs. I rest my case.

I even think most people are OK or good. TEENAGERS are pretty uniquely terrible as a group because they have the opportunity and knowledge of how to do terrible things without that voice inside saying, “Hey maybe this isn’t such a great idea,”

The internet is a neutral medium. It’s people who are terrible.

K, Danielle Brooks’s bathing suit is on fire. I love it.

We all learn what we need to learn, sooner or later ;)

Obama started his presidency auspiciously, but he’s not very different from Clinton on foreign and economic policy. He signed off on intervention in Libya, and despite tensions with Netanyahu, he’s still funding Israel apartheid no strings attached. Clinton may amp it up given her AIPAC rhetoric which is concerning,

I would just ask. I share a tiny office with two other people and if the only lotion I have is scented I always ask if they’ll be bothered by it before applying.

They are definitely less waft-y than normal spray-on perfumes. One of the advantages of oil perfumes for me is that they tend to “stay closer” to my skin and bond with my own natural scent rather than wafting out.

Gulf south, and everyone here smells like the garden-variety (har har) floral Department Store Scents — flowers and fruits and gourmands and vanilla from the usual suspects : Dior, Estee, Clinique, Jacobs, Whatever Samples Sephora Is Foisting Upon The Unwitting Masses. Give me masculine leathers and woods or give me

They had to get this one right because everybody knows almost doesn’t count.

Technically I won on one count (keeping my security deposit illegally) but lost all the others and I think sexism did have a hand in it. She seemed very charmed by his little old man routine - she even let him take a phone call at the bench. She also entered the verdict as dismissed instead of being in my favor

Funny how misogyny and racism so often go hand-in-hand. Almost like there’s a root psychology that the two attitudes share ...

I get teased that “I really want to draw you” is my bulletproof line, but in my defense, I’m *always* clear on whether that means “draw” or “bang and draw.”

When I was diagnosed with cancer, a friend of a friend straight-up asked me if I thought that “all the negative energy” in my life (asshole husband, etcetera) had “manifested in the form of a tumour.” I snapped that no, I didn’t believe in magical thinking nor in victim blaming. Which that thought totally was.

If cancer treatments and actual medicine can’t cure everything, there’s no way amazing energy can.

It comes from the need to feel superior. See, they “get it” and the rest of us are too dumb. Spirituality and conspiracy theories go hand in hand because they have the same origin: looking for easy answers to something as complex as humanity and what it goes through.

I was dumped by my then best friend about 15 years ago. (though she didn’t do anything like the BS your hippie artist did). Took me many, many years to realise that actually she was doing me a favour by making room for some wonderful people to come into my life. I hope you come to that realisation too!

If I had a dollar for every spiritual new agey person that I have wanted to punch in the face for blaming me for causing my own illnesses, I could go on a little shopping spree right now! Or you know, buy some of the drugs i require to stay alive...

That’s why I prefer Arizona over Georgia. It’s the dry hate.