
This is why TV is so much kinder for women who make their break in their thirties. See: Catriona Balfe.

Yeah I totally side eyed that when I heard it. I’m 29 and when I saw her on OINB I always figured her for like way older sister or young aunt status. Shes beautiful but she's definitely 40ish.

Ditto on the hair. He'd be so much more attractive without it.

God I fucking love her

That made me lol : ).

Why not go get it, Chris? True question. Since I had same thought. Because she's not as traditionally hot? She's soooo talented. Gender norms, man.

I don’t think she has beef with lemonade — quite the opposite. She’s saying Beyoncé of DC was her favorite; now Beyoncé of Lemonade is.

He probably believes this and wants that. Both. I live in the bay; this is too real.

The words, my mouth, thank you.

fucking yes

Yeah but irl the turnaround ain’t that quick. It’s not like one night you sleep with someone else next night you’re engaged for a lifetime monogamous commitment. It’s kind of perverse (not even sexually because who cares, but psychologically). The lead up to engagement in reality usually takes lead-up time in the

Where I live a one bed/one bath would be a dream

The other marriage won’t last because they spent $ instead of hand crafting their ornate wedding? It was probably quite special to them and took a lot of planning; not everyone can be Martha Stewart. Get out of here with this judgment and bitter prophesizing!

Is this a joke? Their heads so far up their entitled asses they can't even see themselves? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING WITH THIS

I know - so fucking depressing

This doesn't even make sense. She's brown. Why would she be using that as a slur? Self hate is so fucked.

I'm aware it's always been an issue, but thanks for the snark! It's just even more of an issue now

Because of what, then? Piracy + streaming (incl YouTube) has been the key issue preventing folks from seeing $ from their recorded music - touring has become essential to survival

I had same thought, but if there was ever a time to forgive indie artists for their preciousness, it's now.

Because those things are a substitute for a person. You fucking kidding. Grief is grief is grief.