
I remember thinking that was a creepy comment until her dad came out as gay. Then I was like “ooooh, it’s that kind of admiring!” My mom might say that if I had the same “honey, you’ve got a great set!” It’s still a little strange to say in public, but far less pervy after knowinga gay man was complimenting his

Because black lives matter, like the nazis, are calling for a complete eradication of anyone who doesn’t look like them. Or, you know, not. They are seeking fair treatment under law. BLM are only nazis in some ridiculous white nightmare.

Except there wasn’t anything problematic about the clit comment in the first place.

God his wife is so lucky...(and apparently she's also a dancer so hot damn they must have beautiful bedroom sessions)

Oh god I didn't know what you meant and just watched it. She's like I got my cool shades on let me do this weird choreographed thing I practiced to explain my feelings but then like self consciously fixes her hair in the middle of it. This is a pretty great summary of Anne Hathaway (more than it is of lemonade).

I don’t know...passive aggressive is not a good look. Thought she was cool before but this is so immature. I do not know anyone my age (we’re same age) who does this stuff. It’s like these celebs are frozen at 16. Or maybe it’s just that we don’t have money to protect us and we work for survival...sooo maybe that's

Except it's not endearing on Anne Hathaway or Lea Michele and I hope it's not a gender thing :(

Honestly my first reaction to that is God Damn! Beautiful man

I don't think a safe space is a place where people can't do this.

I don’t know but I feel like I need endless showers right now. Endless.

I’m sure you also think that black lives matter should be quietly discussing police violence. Because that’s worked.

All these people condemning safe spaces under the auspices of intellectual openness have never really needed safe spaces. Try again when you’re POC, a woman etc ffs

It’s not “batshit crazy” to suggest here’s a connection between not listening to someone’s need for personal space or their no/request that they stop and sexual violence. Where do you think rape comes from? This isn’t rape - ob fucking viously - but if you don’t think that sexual violence begins with non consent and

Why do you feel the need to take this position first though?

My comment takes nothing away from you and what I’m sure was an awful when experience. I’m talking about behaviors that lead to non consent - usually women experience these behaviors throughout society that tell men not to respect “no.” That doesn’t mean that sexual violence is always against women, nor does it take

Oh no one fucking said that

You’re quite clever. I don’t know, dude - you’re a dude - do people get into your personal space and not listen when you ask them repeatedly to back away? Is there any unwanted touch?

9/10 it’s dudes making this complaint to me. Not hearing me or Amy. I’m not in outrage machine mode. This is just my experience. And I’m busy as fuck - this shit happens while I’m busy - it doesn’t stop. Sorry to inconvenience you, man - I know it sucks to feel uncomfy by proxy.

That’s terrible advice. My female manager and I are both trying to actively stop saying such things and qualifying ourselves. Such gendered nonsense.

First, I said rapey, not rape. Second, far from diluting it, I'm pointing out the sort of behaviors that lead to men not respecting a woman's word or bodily autonomy. Sexual violence doesn't come from nowhere - it comes from repeated patterns and accordance of non consent throughout society.