
slow your roll bud. The 406 and counting “sjws” are pretty cool with my comment, which you’re over simplifying. “Cunt,” ay? You’re part of the problem man

I feel so humbled by your precise rationality, the solidity and historical soundness of your argument. You’ve internalized much of a certain strain of thought, and I hope truly you are not unjustly rewarded for it.

Okay dude bro. You clearly know what it’s like to fear being raped on the reg walking home from work. You’re definitely on the right side of ethics here.

Don’t tell me what to do, bro. And I’m not doing it “just” because of the weight the word carries - I’m saying rapey because of it. (Rapey, not rape.) rape doesn’t come from nowhere. It comes from a society in which violations of bodily autonomy and “no” and “stop” are not honored. It's a spectrum of violence, and

I think that's fucked and I've said so. I'm allowed to be a critical reader.

What in the fuck are you on about, dude.

Girl give me strength. And deep breaths


why is it always dudes making this complaint

Well you may have a different opinion, but frankly living in a woman’s body with constant fear of threat walking down my block is a different experience. It means violation feels and is more constant. “Don’t lose that figure honey! You have a nice ass!” Etc etc on the reg and I’m paranoid about walking anywhere. My

You a dude? Because it’s mostly dudes making this argument so I’m skeptical of the motivations here.

That’s why it’s “rapey,” not rape. I’ve been raped and assaulted - you? Or are you sensitive to this only because you’re defending men somehow?

Yeah, our experience of constant violation is hi fucking larious bro

Thank you

*rape victim here* Yes we “get” to do that. We see and experience patterns of disrespect and non consent. Rape comes from somewhere. Fuck off.

I addressed that directly and literally said I’m not undermining that. It’s a spectrum of violence is what I said. When men don’t take “no” and “stop” seriously in other cases where a woman feels violated, it’s part of the same culture of disrespectful non-consent. There’s really nothing you can say that will sway my

What nonserviams ghost said

He said “we paid for you” and also didn’t respond to her “stop” and “no.” Maybe it sounds very radical fem but camera lens can be male gazey and with the non consent here this feels kind of rapey (no, that doesn’t undermine actual rape...this is a different degree but in my understanding there is a spectrum of

I do - who doesn’t! - and I’m stoked. I mean, not actively - that would be weird - but like, since you mentioned it...

Oh god I’m a visceral empath so I don’t think I can read further, but thank you! I’m glad it was a joke...I really didn’t know? (I was like, damn, that’s hardcore. What people will put up with for the love of sport! Dancers withstand sometimes truly horrifying feet so you never know.)