
Haha 9/10 true. But there’s that 1% that is adorable - Midwestern or Southern but like sweet and kind and actually wholesome - (I may be thinking about a particular preppy bro or two....).

Her progressive psychosis was much funnier/more brilliant to me - his was a fun gag. But, opinions and assholes.

What do you mean not in the realm of endo?

Wait they were addicted to AA but then learned valuable tips? Or was the valuable tips bit sarcastic?

Yes yes yes. *praise*

Yeah for most people - but perhaps women experience it more so in a culturally oppressive way - I think it usually comes down to feeling disrespected or unheard, which is often the same thing. Comedy shows have often turned us into naggin partners when what’s behind that is dudes not pulling weight and being

Because women don't need respect as much as men, and men don't need love as much as women? Respect from male partners is probably what most women right now want the motherfucking most! Respect from country, from citizens...respect that treats us as humans worthy of respect! It's this bullshit that sets up the

Eh I’d rather we all wear what’s comfortable and what we like, even if that means I miss out on eye candy *sigh*

What is this from?!

It's a theory. It's been shown that men also stopped showing physical affection for same reason. But then some commenters on here have been shouting me down (people on the Internet are so intense), so I'll definitely be reconsidering....


Right! Strong male legs are beautiful. They can wear whatever makes then comfortable, but damn :/!


The anti disco movement? What anti disco movement? Like the one from the 70s (it certainly was, yes)? Sorry I’m confused how this is relevant.

Not “remotely”? Well don’t you sound confident

You should have a word with all the preppy bros ever, then.

Covered in boils from water? What!

Haha yes. The older men with their short shorts and their loafers. Now if only we could inspire the young men back into those shorts.

Does the sephora wash off in the rain?

I thought of nazis first :/