
Straight men starting wearing long shorts in U.S. when gay rights became a thing and they decided it was super gay to show off your body, thereby drastically disappointing all women.

Son is slang. I’m a young woman, which, according to Einstein is like the opposite of an old man. are you mocking yourself? Hiddly diddly by thee by goodbye

Legit question though what does precocious in an annoying way mean? She was too young to be a try-hard; she was just gifted, smart, empathic, adventurous?

Okay son

Former philosophy major. Shits still on my shelf, so will do. But I still assert that yoko’s comment undercuts the nature of the idea. Whateeeever

Ha I actually had this same phrase in my noggin, maaaan

Oy vey! Go back to them. I studied philosophy.

Naw, dude, they wouldn’t. Nowhere in deleuze or Einstein do they say “time doesn’t exist, man.” They do, however, deconstruct and reconstruct and shift the concept of time. I’m inspired to go back now tho!

Yoko Ono is high school philosophy incarnate (not even freshman 101; just like, senior year). To say “time doesn’t exist” is simplistic as fuck (tell that to my wilting house plant, that ages as the earth goes round the sun). Maybe she meant western, constructed clock time? Pick up some science and philosophy books on

Once again, it’s not about “doing the same thing” as men. We aren’t doing that, because we aren’t objectifying them with the purpose (explicit or no) of controlling their bodies and wills, nor do we wield political and social power over them. The objectification itself is not the problem, nor is it something that’s

I think it’s the Madonna whore complex in action. And that complex also tells women they’re not supposed to own their attractiveness (or anything.) Kim k’s level of vanity is distasteful to be sure, but punishing women for being vain as if its the same as being a *bad person* or acting badly is ridiculous. In the same

You are a gem

People resort to woo-woo stuff when they feel incredibly sick and desperate.

I guess...jokes equating feminism with bra burning doesn’t seem to help anything (and my bra makes my tits look fabulous!), though I get the point. Sighhh

Admission: I didn't watch the video. Woops

I got that and I don’t find it funny or a compelling argument. I’ve heard it too many times. But then I didn’t watch the video so I probably shouldnt say shit!

Womp womp

I didn’t say you did. I was referring to my own comment - people assume it's cool to humiliate her because she's vapid, but that's not a good reason, and my point was she wasn't even unkind so it's unfair. I hate internet conversations.

I don't watch the show

I don’t really care to judge if she’s a “good” or “bad” person. I’m just saying she hasn’t done anything to warrant this. I can tease about the kardashians too but humiliation is a little much. That’s shitty that she talks to her family like that, but she didn't say anything to this writer or really anyone outside