A) she actually called herself not a feminist early on and only came around later:
A) she actually called herself not a feminist early on and only came around later:
I love Jen. Culturally she may be bland but comedically on the show she was fucking superb. Her delivery was brilliant.
I hear you. I definitely made it about me in that moment. I guess in that moment all I could see was the pride ya’ll seem to have in your bodies and was envying it. I see Beyoncé, Nikki, I see black women in my town owning their curves, and I don’t see that example from white women (and when they try, it’s usually…
That hashtag exists? Wtf!
They’re not. But you wouldn’t know it by the way I’m addressed. I had a mother the other day tell her son that I had a big ass for a white girl (she was Black.) and to ask me out. I hear this all.the.time. And culturally, when you see white women with butts and hips they’re often copping black style and dating black…
I live in a diverse city - slightly more POC than white folks, but a good mix. I only get cat-called by Black men here. I’ve lived in small towns, college towns, cities, etc, across the U.S., and for the most part this has been my experience. Just because it’s my experience, but it doesn’t mean it’s true across the…
Maybe come back to it tomorrow? I understand if my comments would make people upset. FWW, I really do welcome real dialogue, even the hard kind (which is different than just being called names.)
Pretty awkward considering the subject matter!
Haha this is sort of nice to hear. I got a lot of shit for my statement, which I thought I prefaced well enough by recognizing such awkwardness and harassment I experience isn’t the same level of oppression as black folks. Ah well! Thanks for sharing.
I think she legit may feel a little offended but that makes it even cuter
Thank you for your comment. I really appreciate that you engaged me instead of calling me a whiny moron. Harassment feels shitty regardless of race.
I was with you there until “your original comment is a trip.” It’s not that odd - I live in a dominantly black town and women here generally do seem to embrace their curves. I don’t think the same narrative exists in thin-obsessed white cultures - if it does, it’s very much just for the cultural moment. I appreciate…
You didn't need to respond
Oh fuck off. It is. having your body be a constant source of vocal surprise and harassment - sometimes physical - is 100% difficult. I never said i had it as hard as Black women.
I definitely don’t. I would prefer not to have harassment and body consciousness, which probably also has to do with assault and family body stuff. These are not fun things. I know it may not be politically acceptable to admit that i have this, but there it is. I don’t expect strangers on the Internet to be…
If I articulated this fetishization as sexual harassment I experience regularly as a woman would that make you more sympathetic and less of a dick? No? Okay. Enjoy your keyboard snark.
Does your ass get called “ridiculously huge,” get slapped etc though? Do you get stopped in the street?
Oh shut you’re fucking face. I made it clear I don’t think I experience oppression on the level of black women. But living in a body that is harassed (on street), fetishized and even touched etc, regularly while also being criticized by white family members (my ass/hips are still too fat in white culture) still…
They’re not your adversary because of your gender or race. They’re you’re adversary because you’re saying stupid and offensive, tone-deaf shit (#notallmen) because of your gender and race. These are very different things. And it’s often folks who have standpoints like yours that then beg that we al just “get along.”…