
I hate it when I’m not smiling and they ask me to smile and I hate it when I'm already smiling and they keep talking about my smile. It makes me not want to smile. :/

Eh, I think most of his comment was ignorant and obnoxious, but I don’t think it’s a racist screed to suggest it’s mostly men of color catcalling women. That’s true. I don’t think it helps to pretend that’s not true. It's a cultural difference. It would be worse of he assumed poc were more violent toward women.

Headphones on or off - doesn’t matter. You do not hit on people who are breaking a sweat.

Are you actively trying to not see how creepy that comment is?

At the gym? When I’m already trying to forget that I’m wearing spandex, essentially, and that I’m probably being looked up and down as I’m sweating? Hellllll no. That is crazy over the line. I wish you/we would feel comfortable being more direct. “That’s really inappropriate,” is a good one. Just shame them. But I

I’m so glad this woman exists. She did *not* have to do this and I’m so impressed this was her path. I hope she’s really reaching people.

Yeah but it was a five year run, like with most pop. Hard to hang a career hat on a five year success story. (financially, sure, but not productivity wise).

The NYT desperately needs people under 40 working there....

Thanks : ). It’s weird when you’re told you have a Black ass even by Black folks. I kinda just wanna say “no, I nust have a Bawitabah ass, thanks.” My culture actually is fairly curvy - people tend to think *wasp* when they think *white.* I don’t want to feel trashy, but I do, where I feel the same features are

I was binge-watching the whole series but had to stop at - I forget now, season five or six? The writing was *so* good but around the time chandler and Monica got together it became standard girls are like-boys-are-like yuck-yuck standard sitcom fare that was just awful. Everyone became parodies of themselves and

People wish. No way.

I’m a thin white girl with full lips and a big bottom and this whole cultural moment - including ragging on the kardashians, who *bought* their Black features and are called trashy for it- is making me feel like I’m ripping off black culture just by existing. I honesty feel awkward as hell as a white woman (not the

a) the Internet brings out the minority of racists and dumbasses - often teens, but not always - and pumps up their volume. It’s as if we’re constantly forced to respond to the ignorant POS on the sixth seventh grade playground. I’m glad so many people responded.

Is there not one republican candidate that doesn’t make most reasonable people gag? I mean they’re all like cartoon creepy people - it’s so odd!!!

Me too, at the same time. Once. Because I’m 100% sure they’d be silently competing to please me in a great show of sensuality.

Ditto. I’m only 29 but insta wasn’t a thing until after my peak explorationand navel-gazing years thank gddd

Yup. but they’re just tapping into their authentic tribal dark headdressed selves!

Yeah that really killed the mood. I think monkey was pet name for pussy (or “lotus flower.”) dumb people with no flair for verbal elegance really make me lose my hard on. Stay hot and silent, you two!

That guy is beautiful!

Seriously. That guy is beautiful. The girl less so but she’s pretty with an outrageous, athletic body. It’s just that vanity and lack of intelligence can really kill hotness quick for me : /.