
So cute! But the teens (are they teens?) don’t know jewel? How we are we both considered millennials?! This clearly marks the generation gap (aidy’s a few months younger than me. I’m 29).

This is a perfect pairing - I’ve read the book and am a fan of Solloway.Solloway is able to write from a feminism that is unflinching and turns its eye on the capability even women, even queer women, have of being ruthless, disgusting, complicated, beautiful, and manipulative monsters - just like anyone (there is room

Why are you so angry? If you take out the question about working in tech (which wasn’t meant to put you on the defense - I had NO idea how much complex development was done for even a “small” concept until I went into tech) the other questions are still legitimate. I think the first paragraph about the difference

Speaking of famous people dating wealthy techies, Emma Watson is now dating a techie I matched with on a dating app recently. I think either he never messaged me or I never followed up. How should I take her down?!

He’s so elegant and intelligent (and adorable and my boyfriend). It’s an odd juxtaposition and my reaction was also, strangely, to feel bad for him.

What exactly marks the difference between rearrangement and new iteration? Where do you draw that line, in your mind? Invention doesn’t always look like revolution.

Thanks for indirectly pointing that out. It's awesome

Also born in ‘86 though honestly sometimes I have a hard time remembering when certain tech came in vogue. Like I had a blackberry in college but I guess it didn’t have a calendar or selfie ability, but then two or three years later? Bam! Total rapid life adaptation to iPhones. Tech is weird and so is memory.

Bye bye birdie?

I entered high school in 2000. I am *just* a millennial by a hair, by this def. But my friends five years younger than me definitely have different relationships with tech...

Have you used it/do you work in tech?

Don’t think that’s how that works, bub.

This is like saying emails are like phone calls presented differently. It’s definitely an iteration of email technology but it’s also an entirely different beast. When they first invented “cars” they just fit boat steering wheels on the base of the car bodies and used them as tires, then when that didn’t work so well,

Haha true. Especially when writers you normally love inappropriately lump in your favorite things into their one-dimensional Dystopian culture/class critiques .

Ya know I’m not sure! But I'd guess there's a way to do so.

Serena Williams did Wired recently which boggled my mind. The magazine issue was about diversity, but she’s not in tech, so it made no fucking sense. They were just trying to shoe-horn a famous person of color into the magazine for ratings, I guess. The issue had such potential, too. They could have at least had a

What about eating off the naked bodies of (consensual) people like at those sushi restaurants? Some people like their platters with a side of dead skin cells and a touch of pubes.

Do it. Make a comparison slide share arguing its merits and go for it.

Sure. Sorry that reply was so long!

Slack is useful for companies because you can create channels for different departments to discuss things live (Engineering, Marketing), but you can also create channels for Music or Funny Dumb Things and upload/share files and gifs. I actually love it. As a person who is sick and must work from home it’s beyond